Resources Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Resources Questions & Answers.

In my previous post, I have shared Resources Objective Type Questions & Answers so, make sure to check that post as well.

Resources Questions & Answers

Question 1: Define the following:

(a) Resources

Answer: All elements of environment which fulfills man’s needs are called resources.

(b) Natural Endowments

Answer: All elements of nature, namely, land, water, air, animals, etc. are gifts of nature and are called natural endowments.

(c) Renewable Resources

Answer: Those resources that do not get depleted even after their continuous use are known as renewable resources. For example – wind energy, solar energy, etc.

(d) Human Made Resources

Answer: The natural resources whose forms have been changed by human beings are known as human-made resources.

(e) Recycling

Answer: Modification and use of waste material in new form such as glass, tin, etc. is known as recycling.

Question 2: What is conservation of resources?

Answer: Conservation of resources means judicious and planned use as well as reuse of natural resources by avoiding their wastage, misuse, overuse, damage and destruction.

Question 3: What is sustainable development? Mention the five R’s of sustainable development.

Answer: Any economic development that is conducted without depletion of natural resources and saving them for the future is known as sustainable development. The 5 R’s of Sustainable development are reduce, reuse, recycle, refuse and repair.

Question 4: What are the factors that affect the productivity of resources?

Answer: Factors that influence productivity of resources are technology used, political and economic institutions, social and cultural setup, physical infrastructures available.

Question 5: How can we achieve sustainable development?

Answer: We can achieve sustainable development by striking a balance between the growth of population and the social and cultural development is absolutely necessary.

Resources Questions & Answers

Question 6: Explain why depletion of natural resources is a matter of great concern.

Answer: Wastage, misuse, overuse, damage and destruction have led to the depletion of natural resources. This has resulted in the extinction of various animals and plant species due to deforestation, overhunting, etc. affecting the environment.

Question 7: What are the factors that affect the development of resources?

Answer: The factors that affect the development of resources are:

  • Need of resources.
  • Cost of generating resources should be economical.
  • Accessibility to resources.
  • Technical advancement to make proper use of resources.
  • Enough quantity for use.
  • Resources can become valuable with time.
  • Awareness about the presence and use of resources.

Question 8: Why are resources essential for human beings?

Answer: Resources such as air, water, forests and various life forms constitute a natural environment, which are essential for human survival and development. Utilisation of natural resources has enabled us to make various human-made resources, which are essential for our happiness and comfortable living.

Question 9: How natural endowment acquire value? Explain with an example.

Answer: All elements of nature namely land, water, air, etc. are gifts of nature and are called natural endowments. Natural endowments acquire value when objects are converted into things of utility for human beings. Value is the worth of natural endowment. Value can be economic or aesthetic.

For example – Hydroelectricity generated from river water is of economic value while the scenic beauty of a mountain range or a beach has aesthetic value. Time and technology have the potential to convert any substance into a resource. For example – Minerals are found naturally but the man started mining them for economic reasons so, they became a resource.

Question 10: How can human resources contribute in the growth of a nation?

Answer: People are referred to as human resources as they have the capability to transform any substance into a valuable resource by using their knowledge and skills. Proper Education and good health improve the knowledge and skills of an individual. This in turn helps to create more resources. Enrichment of people is known as Human Resource Development. A healthy and skilled human population is the base of the economic prosperity of the country. For example – Japan in spite of being devoid of rich natural resources is still a developed nation because of its extremely skilled population.

Question 11: Discuss why resources are important for us.


  • Resources form the backbone of the economy of a nation. One cannot develop agriculture and industry without land, water, forest, air and mineral.
  • Resources such as air, water, forests and various life forms constitute a natural environment which are essential for human survival and development.
  • Utilization of natural resources has enabled us to make various human-made resources which are essential for our happiness and comfortable living.

Resources Questions & Answers

Question 12: Write a short note on ‘5 R’s of sustainable development’.

Answer: The ‘5 R’s of sustainable development’ are:

  • Reduce – Use less and do not waste resources such as water, electricity, food, etc.
  • Reuse – Use a resource for more than one time such as paper, minerals, etc.
  • Recycle – Modify and use waste material in a new form such as glass, tins, etc.
  • Refuse – Say ‘NO’ to things that are not needed. Think before you buy or use any product such as plastics.
  • Repair – Fix or try to repair products before throwing them away.

Question 13: Differentiate between the following:

(a) Renewable and Non Renewable Resources

Renewable ResourcesNon Renewable Resources  
1. Resources that do not get exhausted even after being used continuously are known as Renewable Resources.  1. Resources that do get exhausted after regular use and cannot be replaced are known as Non-Renewable Resources.  
2. Examples – wind, water, sand, etc.2. Examples – iron, gold, silver, etc.  

(b) Biotic and Abiotic Resources

Biotic ResourcesAbiotic Resources  
1. These resources include all living elements of the environment.  1. These resources include all non-living elements of the environment.  
2. Examples – forests, forest products, crops, birds, wildlife, fish and other marine lives, etc.  2. Examples – land, water, air and minerals such as iron, copper, gold, silver, etc.    

(c) Natural and Human Made Resources

Natural ResourcesHuman Made Resources  
1. These are the resources that are used directly from nature in its raw form without much modification.1. The natural resources whose form has been changed by Human Beings are known as Human Made Resources.  
2. Examples – The air we breathe, the water we use from rivers etc.  2. Examples – Government policies, social and cultural set up; Physical infrastructure available etc.    

(d) Ubiquitous and Localized resources

Ubiquitous resourceLocalized resource
1. A resource that is found everywhere.1. A resource which is found only in certain places.
2. Its presence is not governed by physical conditions.2. Its presence is governed by physical conditions.
3. The air we breathe is an example of ubiquitous resources.3. Mineral like Copper is an example of localized resources.  

(e) Potential and Actual resources

Potential resourceActual resource
1. A resource whose entire quantity is not known.1. A resource whose quantity is known.
2. Not being used at present as technology improves they can be prove useful and become an actual resource in the future.2. Being used in the present. Actual resource might have been a potential resource in past.
3. The uranium found in Ladakh, which could be used in the future is an example of potential resource.3. The dark soils of the Deccan plateau in Maharashtra and rich deposits of coal in Ruhr region of Germany are examples of actual resources.

Question 14: Why are resources distributed unequally over the earth?


  • The distribution of resources depends upon a number of physical factors like terrain, climate and altitude.
  • All physical factors are not same everywhere and vary from place to place on the earth. Hence, the distribution of resources is unequal.

So, these were Resources Questions & Answers.

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