Silver Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Silver Questions & Answers.

This poem is written by Walter De La Mare. In my previous posts, I have shared the questions & answers of A Witty Answer and The Lantern and The Fan so, you can check these posts as well.

Silver Questions & Answers

Word Galaxy

  • Cote – small shelter for birds
  • Moveless – still, motionless
  • Shoon – shoes

Question 1: Choose the correct option:

1. The moon walks the night in her silver shoon

a. The moon is wearing silver shoes
b. The moonlight is slowly spreading through the night turning everything silver

2. This way, and that, she peers and sees. The word ‘she’ refers to

a. Moonlight
b. The moon

3. In this poem, the moon shines its light upon the

a. flowers
b. trees

4. ‘With paws of silver sleeps the dog’ means that

a. the paws of the dog are made of silver
b. the dog’s paws shine like silver because of the moonlight falling on that

5. The poet mentions the mouse with silver claws and silver eye to show that

a. even the most ordinary animals look beautiful in moonlight
b. the mouse comes out only at night

Question 2: Which colour does the poet associate the moon?

Answer: The poet associates silver colour with the moon. The moon is compared to a woman who is wearing silver shoes and walks throughout the night and starts throwing her silvery shine on the ordinary objects.

Question 3: How does the poet describe the movements of the moonbeams?

Answer: The poet describes the movements of the moonbeams as very slow and quiet. The moon walks very slowly and quietly throughout the night and throws her silvery shine on the ordinary objects.

Question 4: Name the animals from the poem that the moonbeams touch.

Answer: The animals from the poem that the moonbeams touch are – dog, dove, the most ordinary creature – mouse and the fish.

Question 5: What does the moon see on the trees?

Answer: The moon sees the silver fruit hanging upon silver trees.

Question 6: ‘Silver fruit upon silver trees’, what does this mean?

Answer: It means that the silver coloured fruit is hanging on the branch of silver trees.

Question 7: Write about the way in which the dove and the dog are described in the poem.

Answer: The dove sleeps with its silver feathers and the dog with its silver paws sleep in his kennel, couched like a log.

Question 8: What does the poet say about the mouse?

Answer: The poet says that the harvest mouse with silver claws and eye, moves quickly.

Question 9: How is the fish described in the poem?

Answer: The fish is described as moveless which seems to gleam in the water.

Question 10: Where do you think the poet was when he wrote the poem?

Answer: I think the poet was sitting under the moonlight when he wrote the poem.

Question 11: How do the moonbeams transform the appearance of things on which they fall?

Answer: The moonbeams transform the appearance of things by giving them silvery glow.

Question 12: Where is the dog lying? How does the poet describe his paws?

Answer: The dog is lying in his kennel. The poet describes his paws as silver colour.

Question 13: Why does the poet call the fish moveless?

Answer: The fish are moving so slowly due to gleamy water. Therefore, they seem to be moveless. So, the poet calls the fish moveless or motionless.

Question 14: Describe the effect of the moonlight on water?

Answer: The effect of the moonlight turns water into silver colour.

Question 15: “Shoon” is an old word for “shoe”. Why does the shoe look like silver?

Answer: The beams of the moon are silvery. So, the moon appears to wear shoes of silver.

Question 16: The dog sleeps like a log – a piece of wood. What does this tell about the dog’s sleep?

Answer: “The dog sleeps like a log”. This expression shows that the dog is in deep sleep. It seems that a log is lying.

Question 17: Can you guess why the dog does not look silvery?

Answer: The dog was inside the kennel but his paws were outside the kennel. So, the moon beams reflect on his paws not on its body. That is why the dog does not look silvery.

Question 18: Everyone is asleep. Why is the mouse awake?

Answer: Everyone is asleep in the cool moonlight but the mouse is awake because it collects its food in the silent night.

Question 19: When everyone is asleep, why is the poet awake?

Answer: When everybody asleep, the poet is awake because he wants to watch the natural beauty in the moonlit night.

Question 20: Which word is repeated several times in the poem? Why is it repeated so often?

Answer: The word silver is repeated several times in the poem because the poem is about the moon, so it shows the silver light of the moon and also when we think of silver indirectly, the moon appears in our mind.

Question 21: Why is the dog compared to a log?

Answer: The dog is compared to a log because it sleeps silently without making any movement like a log.

So, these were Silver Questions & Answers.

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