Hi Everyone!! This article will share The Tyger Questions & Answers.
This poem is written by William Blake. In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Towards Peace, An Island Of Trees and How’s My Coal so, you can check these posts as well.
The Tyger Questions & Answers
Question 1: Who is the poet addressing?
Answer: The poet is addressing the tiger.
Question 2: Where according to the poet, does the creature dwell?
Answer: According to the poet, the creature dwells in the forest.
Question 3: According to the poet, where has the creature come from?
Answer: According to the poet, the creature has come from the skies above.
Question 4: What words are used to describe the animal in the poem?
Answer: The words used to describe the animal in the poem are – ‘burning bright’, ‘immortal hand or eye’.
Question 5: What other animal is mentioned in the poem?
Answer: The other animal mentioned in the poem is the lamb.
Question 6: Whose is the only hand that can handle the awe-inspiring tiger?
Answer: The God’s hand is the only hand that can handle the awe-inspiring tiger.
Question 7: In stanza 5, who is ‘he’?
Answer: ‘He’ could be a reference to God or whoever created the tyger. The poet may be questioning whether ‘he’ who created the lamb, could have created the ‘tyger’.
Question 8: Give some examples of alliteration from the poem.
Answer: Some examples of alliteration are -Burning bright, frame fearful, distant deeps and began beat.
Question 9: Give example of personification from the poem.
Answer: An example of personification from the poem is -Where the stars threw down their spears.
Question 10: Read and answer the questions:

(a) In the lines above, whose hand or eye is the poet talking about?
Answer: The poet is talking about the creator’s hand or eye who made the tiger.
(b) Why do you think the hand or eye is referred to as immortal?
Answer: The immortal hand or eye symbolizes sight and creation.
(c) Why is symmetry termed fearful?
Answer: In the poem, symmetry is termed fearful because the tiger is scary and dangerous and can kill and wound easily.
Question 11: Read and answer the questions:

(a) What profession comes to your mind in reading the lines given above?
Answer: The profession that comes to mind after reading the above lines is that of a blacksmith.
(b) What does that profession have to do with the topic of the poem?
Answer: The blacksmith represents the creator of the tiger.
Question 12: Read and answer the questions:

(a) Explain the difference in the meaning of the last two lines when compared with the third and fourth lines of the poem.
Answer: In the third and fourth lines, the poet questions what force could contain the tiger’s sublime for. In the last two lines, the poet questions the creator’s nerve or darling.
(b) Why do you think the poet has used the words burning bright for the tiger?
Answer: The poet has used the words ‘burning bright’ for the tiger to show its power and inner strength.
(c) After the creator had finished his creation, how do you think he reacted?
Answer: After the creator had finished his creation, he threw a challenge.
Question 13: How does the last stanza is different from first stanza?
Answer: The one word that changes between the first and last stanzas is ‘could’ – the word which begins the final line of the first stanza. In the last stanza, the word ‘could’ changes to ‘dare’. The poem begins by asking who could create something as fearful as a tiger and in the last stanza, asks how dare he make something so powerful and beautiful as a tiger.
Question 14: Choose the correct option:
(a) What do you think the poem is about?
i. different animals which live in forests.
ii. an artist painting a picture of a tiger.
iii. The poet asking who created an animal as beautiful and fearsome as a tiger.
(b) In verse 4, the poet suggests that such a powerful animal must have been created by.
i. A sculptor
ii. A painter
iii. A blacksmith
So, these were The Tyger Questions & Answers.