Hi Everyone!! This article will share A Chameleon Questions & Answers.
In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of The Invisible Man, A Day’s Wait and The Conjurer’s Revenge so, you can check these posts as well.
A Chameleon Questions & Answers
Question 1: Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:

(a) Who is Otchumyelov? Where is he?
Answer: Otchumyelov is the police superintendent and he is walking across the market square.
(b) What is he carrying under his arm?
Answer: He is carrying a parcel under his arm.
(c) What is the red-haired policeman carrying?
Answer: The red-haired policeman was carrying a sieve full of confiscated gooseberries in his hands.
Question 2: Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:

(a) Who speaks these words?
Answer: These words were spoken by Hryukin, the goldsmith.
(b) Why did the dog bite him?
Answer: As per Hryukin, he was talking to somebody about the firewood and the dog bit him for no reason on his finger.
(c) Why does he want damages for being bitten?
Answer: Hryukin was a goldsmith and his work requires a lot of perfection. As his finger was bitten by the dog, due to which he might not be able to work for a week, hence he was looking for the damages that may occur for being out of work.
Question 3: The road is deserted in the beginning. What causes the sudden change?
Answer: The road seems deserted, however, its is suddenly heard that someone is shouting and running after a dog that too is yelping. It is later found that the dog had bitten the person, who caught hold of her and a crowd had gathered near the timber yard.
Question 4: Initially what punishment does Otchumyelov draw up for the dog?
Answer: At the very first instance, Otchumyelov, the police superintendent was convinced on what Hryukin said and was ready to punish the dog as well as his owner. He asked his policeman that the dog must be strangled without any delay as the dog is sure to be a mad one.
Question 5: Who was chasing the dog?
Answer: Hryukin, the goldsmith was chasing the dog.
Question 6: Why was Hryukin chasing the dog?
Answer: The dog had bitten his finger, so he was chasing the dog.
Question 7: What was Hryukin wearing?
Answer: Hryukin was wearing a starched cotton and an unbuttoned waistcoat.
Question 8: What did Hryukin display to the crowd?
Answer: He displayed his bleeding finger to the crowd which was bitten by the dog.
Question 9: How was Hryukin’s bleeding finger a flag of victory?
Answer: Hryukin’s bleeding finger was a flag of victory as he was looking forward for the damages from the owner of the dog.
A Chameleon Questions & Answers
Question 10: What was Otchumyelov’s first reaction on Hryukin’s complaint?
Answer: Otchumyelov was initially convinced with Hryukin and decided to teach a lesson to the owner of the dog and asked his policeman that the dog must be strangled without any delay as the dog is sure to be a mad one.
Question 11: Why did he later refuse to take any action against the owner of the dog?
Answer: When Otchumyelov came to know that it was the General’s dog, he refused to take any action against the owner of the dog as he did not have the courage to go against the General.
Question 12: What was police superintendent’s opinion about the biting of the dog when he came to know that it was the General’s dog?
Answer: As soon as Otchumyelov found that it was General’s dog, he changed his opinion and went extremely opposite. He started questioning Hryukin and refused to believe that such a small dog could bit a large and heavy man like Hryukin. Otchumyelov even quoted that Hryukin himself would have scratched his finger with a nail and then thought of taking the damages.
Question 13: What did the policeman tell the superintendent about the General’s dog?
Answer: The policeman told the superintendent that its not the General’s dog. The General mostly has the setters, the high breed dogs.
Question 14: Who was Prohor?
Answer: Prohor was the General’s cook.
Question 15: What information did Prohor give about the dog?
Answer: Prohor said that his master i.e., the General is not fond of dogs. However, General’s brother Vladmir Ivanitch who has arrived the other is fond of dogs and that’s his dog.
Question 16: Why did the crowd laugh at Hryukin at the end of the story?
Answer: The crowd laughed at Hryukin because his plan to extort money from the dog owner failed miserably and he was rebuked by the police superintendent.
So, these were A Chameleon Questions & Answers.