A Difficult Customer Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share A Difficult Customer Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions & answers of A Time To Talk, The Girl on The Train, Tabby’s Tablecloth and Thank You Ma’am so, you can check these posts as well.

A Difficult Customer Questions & Answers

Question 1: Write True or False for the following statements. Also, correct the false ones.

1. A middle-aged woman came to the shop in the evening where Dolores worked – False
Correct Statement – A middle-aged woman came to the shop in the afternoon where Dolores worked.

2. The woman sat on the chair and laughed at Dolores – False
Correct Statement – The woman sat on a stool and smiled at Dolores.

3. Dolores could not remember the record that she wanted – False
Correct Statement – The woman could not remember the record that she wanted.

4. Dolores said that they had very few records in stock – False
Correct Statement – Dolores said that they had hundreds of records in stock.

5. The woman could not sing even a single line of a popular song in tune – True

Question 2: Why and where did the woman come one afternoon?

Answer: One afternoon, the woman came to get a record at the shop selling gramophones records where Dolores worked.

Question 3: What did the woman do in front of the counter?

Answer: The woman sat on a stool in front of the counter and smiled at Dolores brightly.

Question 4: “I remember.” What had caused the woman to say this?

Answer: The woman said this because Dolores had asked her the name of the record.

Question 5: Why did the woman look quite depressed?

Answer: The woman looked quite depressed as if the reminder of her own lack of musical ability was the last in a series of bad events.

Question 6: What hint did the woman give Dolores to find the record?

Answer: The woman gave the hint that ‘There’s a girl who speaks very badly. But after a time, she learns to talk well.

Question 7: What sort of help did the woman ask Dolores to provide her to find the record? Was that justified?

Answer: The woman asked Dolores to play her a few records. Then, she would be able to pick it out. I think it was not justified because there were hundreds of records at the shop and it would take a very long time to play even a little of each.

Question 8: “If you’d thought of it sooner, we wouldn’t have wasted so much time.”
Who do you think was responsible for wasting the other’s time – the customer or the sales person? Give reasons for your answer.

Answer: I think the customer was responsible for wasting the other’s time. This is because of the following reasons:

  • The customer did not say the name of the record that she wanted.
  • She gave the hint after wasting time.

So, these were A Difficult Customer Questions & Answers.

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