Fireflies Summary & Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Fireflies Summary & Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions & answers of Gulliver in Lilliput and Mowgli and the Bandar Log so, you can check these posts as well.

Fireflies Summary & Questions & Answers

Fireflies Summary

The poem, basically tells us about a young girl who loves the summer night because it is both warm and dark but especially because of the fireflies that fly softly in all the directions whether it is the apple tree or the grass; they glow and emit light in all the directions. The little girl rejoices at the feeling of sparkling and shining and wishes to glow too which she cannot. But then her mother in order to motivate her tells her that though she can’t shine physically but metaphorically she is a little candle which is clear and bright that continuously shines for the ultimate power, Jesus.

Fireflies Questions & Answers

Word Galaxy

  • Softly – quietly
  • Wink – (here) to shine on and off
  • Flit – fly
  • A little light – (here) an example
  • Sparkle – glow; shine
  • Little candle – (here) a shining example of goodness, kindness and honesty

Question 1: What does the speaker wish for when she sees the fireflies winking from the grass?

Answer: The speaker wishes if she too could shine at evening just as fireflies do.

Question 2: How has the speaker described fireflies?

Answer: The speaker says he loves to watch the fireflies that burn their golden light in the warm dark summer night and fly so softly through the air.

Question 3: Read the line and answer the questions:

And turn their lights on one by one….

(a) How do the fireflies light up the greenery?

Answer: The fireflies light up the greenery by settling down in the green grass that seems as if they are winking at the speaker.

(b) How does it look when the fireflies light up one by one?

Answer: It looks sparkling when the fireflies light up one by one.

Question 4: Read the line and answer the questions:

And flit so softly through the air…

(a) What flits through the air? How?

Answer: The fireflies flit through the air very softly up and down and here and there.

(b) How are they described?

Answer: The fireflies are described as flies emitting golden light in warm dark summer night.

So, this was Fireflies Summary & Questions & Answers.

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