Hi Everyone!! This article will share On Killing A Tree Questions & Answers.
This poem is written by Gieve Patel. In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers The Bull, The Library and A Boy and His Dad so, you can check these posts as well.
On Killing A Tree Questions & Answers
Word Galaxy
- Jab – to hit something forcefully and quickly often with sharp object
- Leprous hide – bark which resembles the skin of a leper.
Question 1: Describe the crime committed by a tree?
Answer: The crime committed by a tree is that it has fed upon the earth crust, absorbing years of sunlight, air and water.
Question 2: Which words in the poem depict that the tree is being killed? Make a list.
Answer: The words that depict that the tree is being killed are bleeding bark, roped, tied, snapped out, scorching and choking.
Question 3: How does the tree heal itself?
Answer: The tree will heal itself when curl green twigs grow from the ground and if it is unchecked it will grow to former size.
Question 4: When is the strength of tree revealed?
Answer: The strength of the tree is revealed when its roots are pulled out from the ground and exposed to sunlight.
Question 5: Why does the poet say ‘No’ in the beginning of the third stanza?
Answer: The poet says no to lay emphasis on the fact that mere chopping or hacking would not kill the tree. It would grow again and retain its original size.
Question 6: According to the poet, what must be done to kill a tree?
Answer: According to the poet the roots of the trees should be pulled out of the ground and expose to sunlight and then the process of browning, hardening, twisting, withering finally kills the tree.
On Killing A Tree Questions & Answers
Question 7: How are human beings similar to trees?
Answer: The human beings are similar to trees as they both breathe man inhale oxygen and exhale carbon-dioxide while trees inhale carbon-dioxide and exhale oxygen. They both are unique and beautiful in their own ways.
Question 8: What is the significance of the phrase ‘it is done’ at the end of the poem?
Answer: The significance of the phrase ‘it is done is’ that finally the process of killing a tree has been completed.
Question 9: Read and answer the questions:

(a) What has grown?
Answer: Curled green twigs have grown.
(b) What has helped it to grow?
Answer: Earth crust, sunlight, air and water has helped it to grow.
(c) What does the poet mean by ‘leprous hide’? What grows out of it?
Answer: By leprous hide poet means bark which resembles the skin of a leper. Sprouting leaves have grown out of it.
Question 10: Read and answer the questions:

(a) Why does it take ‘much’ time to kill a tree?
Answer: It takes much time to kill a tree because its roots are deep inside the earth and for years it has been feeding on earth’s crust absorbing sunlight, air and water.
(b) Why do you think the poet has used the phrase ‘kill a tree ‘instead cut down a tree?
Answer: The poet has used the phrase kill rather than to cut as he wants to equate the life of a tree with the life of a human being. After cutting the tree the different parts of the tree like bark and twigs will grow to their former size if unchecked.
(c) Why is a simple ‘jab’ not enough?
Answer: A simple jab is not enough because it cuts only the branches and trunk of the tree.
Question 11: Read and answer the questions:

(a) What will scorch and choke in sun and air?
Answer: The roots of the tree will scorch and choke in sun and air.
(b) Why does it scorch and choke?
Answer: It scorch and choke because the roots are unable to get nutrients from the earth crust.
(c) With what is the poet associating the words ’browning’. ‘hardening’, ‘twisting’ and ‘withering’?
Answer: The poet is associating the words like browning, hardening to show how much time the root take to die.
Question 12: Read and answer the questions:

(a) Why is the bark bleeding?
Answer: The bark is bleeding because of jab of knife.
(b) According to the poet, what must be checked?
Answer: According to the poet curled green twigs must be checked.
(c) What would happen if it is unchecked?
Answer: If it is unchecked it will grow to its former size.
So, these were On Killing A Tree Questions & Answers.