Hi Everyone!! This article will share Sea Fever Questions & Answers.
This poem is written by John Masefield. In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers Our House Is On Fire, On Killing A Tree and The Library so, you can check these posts as well.
Sea Fever Questions & Answers
Word Galaxy
- Steer – to control the direction of movement
- Yarn – a story
- Fellow-rover – an accompanying wanderer
- Spume – foam
- Trick – journey
- Whetted – sharpened
- Flung spray – fine drops of water thrown up by the waves and the wind
Question 1: Choose the correct option:
(a) The poet wants to go down to the………
i. seas
ii. land
iii. rivers
iv. valley
(b) The grey mist is on the………….
i. wind’s face
ii. sea’s face
iii. poet’s face
iv. star’s face
(c) The poet will steer the tall ship with the help of…….
i. sail
ii. wheel
iii. wind
iv. star
(d) The colour of the breaking dawn will be……
i. grey
ii. orange
iii. silver
iv. yellow
(e) On a windy day, the white clouds will……..
i. pass
ii. float
iii. fly
(f) According to the poet, the sea is………..
i. rough
ii. windy
iii. lonely
iv. having friends
(g) The call of the running tide is………..
i. wild and clear call
ii. indistinct call
iii. unwanted call
iv. frantic call
(h) ‘………..the long trick’s over’ – Here ‘trick’ refers to………
i. game
ii. swimming
iii. rowing
iv. journey
Question 2: Where does the poet wish to go and why?
Answer: The poet wishes to go to a lonely sea with the open sky above because he wanted to be close to the sea, watch sea creatures and feel the excitement of the sea voyage.
Question 3: During what time of the day does the poet wish to go down to the seas?
Answer: At night the poet wishes to go down to the seas.
Question 4: What kind of day does the poet prefer for sailing?
Answer: A windy day with flying white clouds across the sky for sailing is the day a poet prefers.
Question 5: What does the poet prefer to hear from a fellow rover?
Answer: The poet prefers to hear a merry yarn from a fellow rover.
Question 6: How has the poet described the call of the sea?
Answer: The poet has described the call of the sea as irresistible. It is a wild call that cannot be ignored. The call has the ability to hypnotize.
Sea Fever Questions & Answers
Question 7: What does the poet want to take for the voyage?
Answer: The poet wants to take a tall ship and a star for the voyage.
Question 8: What role would the star play in the ship’s journey on the sea?
Answer: A star always have a fixed position hence by looking at bit a voyager may know in which direction he is travelling. In the same way the poet also be guided in the directions he is moving by the stars.
Question 9: What does the poet ask for when he is at sea?
Answer: The poet asks for a tall ship and a star to steer by. He asks for a merry yarn and a good sleep after his long trip.
Question 10: What message does the poet convey through the poem?
Answer: Through the poem, the poet wants to convey the message that the sea could be a relief for him which he can use to take rest from his busy life. Also, he has various things which comfort him during the sea voyage.
Question 11: According to the poet, what are the pleasures of sailing?
Answer: According to the poet the pleasures of the sailing are wheel kick, the strong wind sound and while sailing shaking which is like a music to his ears. He also loves the scenic beauty of the grey mist and breaking dawn.
Question 12: Why is the poem titled ‘Sea Fever’?
Answer: Fever is the state of excitement and in this poem the poet is also feeling the same urge to go to the sea and hence this poem is titled Sea Fever.
Question 13: What will steer the ship and how?
Answer: The star will steer the ship by showing the proper direction in the vast and unknown seas. It will act as the ship’s guide.
Question 14: What does the poet mean by ‘a tall ship’?
Answer: The ‘tall ship’ refers to a strongly built, big ship capable of withstanding stormy weather in the sea.
Sea Fever Questions & Answers
Question 15: Do you see any similarity between the ‘vagrant gypsy life’ desired by the poet and the ‘gull’s way’ and ‘whale’s way’? Give reason to support your answer.
Answer: The poet wants to go to sea which is his wish and he wants to spent his life as the gull birds spent their lives over the shores and whales which are closer to surface of sea and wander it throughout their own life and he the same manner he wants to be there.
Question 16: What does the word ‘wheel’s kick’ refer to?
Answer: The word ‘wheel’s kick’ refers to the ship’s steering wheel spinning out of control. It also suggests that the ship is sailing on a turbulent sea.
Question 17: How is the sea personified in the poem?
Answer: The poet has personified the sea by using the word ‘lonely’ and the phrases – ‘sea’s face and ‘the call of the running tide’.
Question 18: What does the poet want to see on the sea’s face?
Answer: The poet wants to see a grey mist rising from the sea and a grey dawn breaking on the sea’s face.
Question 19: What would the strong winds do?
Answer: The strong winds would make the white clouds fly in the sky and drive the sail forward throughout the day.
Question 20: What does ‘blown spume’ signify?
Answer: The phrase ‘blown spume’ signifies the rising waves breaking into foam.
Question 21: How does the poet describe the sea?
Answer: The poet has described the sea as turbulent. It is full of rolling waves spluttering and spraying water as it breaks down into foams.
Question 22: Whose way will the poet follow?
Answer: The poet will follow the way shown by the whale and the sea-gull.
Question 23: Why does the poet desire for the life of a gypsy?
Answer: The poet yearns for an adventurous and free life. Hence, he desires for the wandering life of a gypsy.
Sea Fever Questions & Answers
Question 24: Read and answer the questions:

(a) In what way is sailor’s life similar to that of gypsy’s?
Answer: The sailor’s life in a way is similar to that of the gypsy’s because both of them wander throughout their life.
(b) What do the ‘gull’s way ‘and the ‘whale’s way’ mean?
Answer: By gull’s way and whale’s way the poet means that like them he would also be wandering on the sea and enjoying the winds and the tides which comes its way.
(c) What does the phrase ‘long trick’s over’ mean?
Answer: The phrase ‘long trick’s over’ means that the poet will be on the sea in his ship when his life will be over.
Question 25: Read and answer the questions:

(a) Who wants to go to sea again?
Answer: The poet wants to go to sea again.
(b) Which phrase shows that the poet is drawn to the sea?
Answer: The phrase ‘for the call of the running tide’ shows that the poet is drawn to the sea.
(c) What does the poet mean by the phrase ‘a clear call’?
Answer: By the phrase ‘a clear call’, the poet means that it is not an option that whether he may or may not go to sea but it has to be done and he cannot run away from it.
Question 26: Write True or False:
(a) The call of the running tide is wild and clear – True
(b) To steer the ship the poet needs the moon – False
(c) The poet is going out to the sea for the first time – False
So, these were Sea Fever Questions & Answers.