The Camel’s Complaint Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share The Camel’s Complaint Questions & Answers.

This poem is written by Charles E. Carryl. In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of The Clothing Man, Macavity The Mystery Cat and Mrs Packletide’s Tiger so, you can check these posts as well.

The Camel’s Complaint Questions & Answers

Question 1: Choose the correct option:

1. How are the poodles pampered?

(a) They get crackers to eat.
(b) They repose on chairs.
(c) They have chicken and cream for lunch.
(d) They live in fancy kennels.

2. What is the camel complaining about when it says, ‘Anywhere does for me!’?

(a) It is complaining about having no comfortable place to sleep or live.
(b) It is complaining about having to live in the sandy desert.
(c) It is complaining about the long distances it has to travel.
(d) It is complaining about the quality of food it gets to eat.

Question 2: How are canary-birds and parrots more privileged than the camel?

Answer: Canary-birds and parrots are more privileged than the camel because they have special food like sugar and crackers, while the camel seems to eat anything.

Question 3: Is the comparison of ‘poodles’ with ‘noodles’ apt?

Answer: The comparison of ‘poodles’ with ‘noodles’ is humorous and not apt, as it creates a playful rhyme but doesn’t make logical sense.

Question 4: What is a cat’s favourite place to rest?

Answer: A cat’s favourite place to rest is in a chair.

Question 5: Where do chickens and puppies sleep?

Answer: Chickens and puppies sleep in coops and stables respectively.

Question 6: How is the camel treated differently from chickens and puppies?

Answer: The camel is treated differently because it can adapt to various environments, unlike chickens and puppies that require specific shelters.

Question 7: How would people react if someone rode a giraffe or an ox?

Answer: People would find it unusual and perhaps funny if someone tried to ride a giraffe or an ox.

Question 8: What is meant by ‘any load does for me’?

Answer: ‘Any load does for me’ means that the camel can carry heavy loads, indicating its resilience.

The Camel’s Complaint Questions & Answers

Question 9: What is the camel’s lamentation about its shape? Is it justified?

Answer: The camel’s lamentation about its shape is playful, and its shape, with its humps, is well- suited for storing fat in its natural habitat, helping it survive in the desert.

Question 10: Read the lines and answer the questions:

1. Parrots have crackers to crunch.

(a) Which creature is mentioned before this line? What does it feed on?

Answer: The creature mentioned before this line is canary-birds. They feed on sugar and seed.

(b) What is the favourite meal of poodles? What does this tell us about the way they are treated?

Answer: The favourite meal of poodles is chicken and cream for lunch. This suggests that they are pampered and receive special treatment.

(c) What do you think a camel’s diet includes?

Answer: The camel can eat anything, like thorny plants, dry grasses and saltbush.

(d) What is the camel’s complaint about the place allotted for its rest and sleep?

Answer: The camel’s complaint is about not having a specific, comfortable place to rest, unlike other animals with designated shelters.

2. A snake is as round as a hole in the ground
And weasels are wavy and sleek.

(a) With which animals is the camel’s shape compared?

Answer: The camel’s shape is compared to a snake and weasels.

(b) What shape does the camel have?

Answer: The camel has a lumpy and bumpy shape.

(c) Which figure of speech has been used in the first line?

Answer: The first line uses a simile to compare the snake’s shape to a hole in the ground.

(d) Is the camel justified in complaining about its shape? How does its shape help in its natural habitat?

Answer: The camel’s shape is well-suited for storing fat and conserving water in its natural desert habitat, making it justified despite the humour.

Question 11: Why are oysters kept in ‘pails’? What is the irony in the camel’s complaint here? Find out!

Answer: Oysters are kept in pails to keep them fresh and preserve their quality. The irony in the camel’s complaint is that it can adapt to different environments, even sandy ones, which is an advantage, but it perceives this as a disadvantage when it comes to resting.

Question 12: How is this poem an example of the adage – Grass is greener on the other side of the fence? Give reasons for your answer.

Answer: This poem exemplifies the adage “Grass is greener on the other side of the fence” because it highlights how the camel, despite its unique abilities, envies the seemingly better treatment and living conditions of other animals.

Question 13: Although the camel is complaining, the poem is humorous. What creates humour in this poem? Justify your answer.

Answer: The humour in this poem is created through playful exaggeration, absurd comparisons, and the camel’s comical complaints about its adaptability. The humour lies in the contrast between the camel’s resilience and its dissatisfaction.

Question 14: The fact that the camel can survive in rough and difficult circumstances is actually a blessing. Do you agree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer.

Answer: Yes, I agree with the statement. The camel’s ability to survive in rough and difficult circumstances is indeed a blessing. Its shape, with humps for fat storage, is an adaptation that allows it to endure long periods without water in the desert. This unique trait is crucial for its survival and should be seen as an advantage.

So, these were The Camel’s Complaint Questions & Answers.

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