The Flute Player Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share The Flute Player Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of A Village Ramlila, The Intelligent Tailor – II and The Clever Girl so, you can check these posts as well.

The Flute Player Questions & Answers

Question 1: Write True or False for the following statements:

1. The dreadful sight of rats made even the bravest of men terrified – True
2. The rats invaded only the house of the mayor – False
3. The flute player was a tall and slim man with black hair and green hat – True
4. The mayor announced an award of fifty thousand gold coins – True
5. The children of Hamelin came back from the cave dancing – False

Question 2: Choose the correct option:

1. What was Hamelin?

(a) small town
(b) village
(c) state

2. Who entered Hamelin?

(a) snakes
(b) rats
(c) bees

3. How much award was announced for the person who could get rid of the rats?

(a) twenty thousand gold coins
(b) fifty thousand gold coins
(c) seventy thousand gold coins

4. Who got rid of the rats?

(a) drum player
(b) flute player
(c) guitar player

5. Who followed the flute player second time?

(a) children
(b) young men
(c) old men

Question 3: What did the watchman of Hamelin notice one day?

Answer: One day, the watchman noticed a black snake coming to the town. The snake was so long that its tail could not be seen.

Question 4: Which animals entered Hamelin?

Answer: Rats entered Hamelin.

Question 5: Who got rid of the rats?

Answer: The flute player got rid of the rats.

Question 6: Which instrument did the man use to get the town rid of the rats?

Answer: The man used a flute to get the town rid of the rats.

Question 7: What award was announced by the mayor for getting rid of rats?

Answer: The award of fifty thousand gold coins was announced by the mayor for getting rid of rats.

Question 8: How did the rats look?

Answer: The rats were brown, large and hairy; had red eyes which shone like embers and had long, sharp and terrifying teeth.

Question 9: What did the rats do in Hamelin?

Answer: The rats ate everything. They ate all the food stored for the winter. There was no place which was not visited by the rats. Everything was eaten up.

Question 10: How did the stranger take the rats?

Answer: The stranger took the rats by playing a sad tune.

Question 11: How much gold coins were given to the flute player?

Answer: Fifty gold coins were given to the flute player.

Question 12: How did the rats make an awful situation in Hamelin?

Answer: The rats reached the town and climbed the walls and invaded all the houses. Those awful black beasts ran into the kitchens, invaded the almirahs, thrust open the cupboards and devoured everything they could lay their hands upon. They ate everything. They ate all the food stored for the winter. There was no place which was not visited by the rats. Everything was eaten up. That is how the rats made an awful situation in Hamelin.

Question 13: What did the flute player do to make Hamelin free from rats?

Answer: As the flute player played his flute, the rats appeared from everywhere and surrounded him. A swarm of terrifying brown hairy rats swarmed around the player. After sometime, the flute player started walking slowly towards the river. The army of rats followed him at his heels. At the river, perhaps the rats had gone mad. They started jumping into the river. Soon, all the rats drowned in the river and Hamelin was free from rats.

So, these were The Flute Player Questions & Answers.

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