The Things Wings Do Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share The Things Wings Do Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Who Likes the Rain, Face To Face and The Cleverest man in the World so, you can check these posts as well.

The Things Wings Do Questions & Answers

Question 1: Fill in the blanks:

1. Wings are not just for flying.
2. Houseflies can go fast because they have small wings that flap quickly.
3. When the beetle rests or walks, it covers its soft body like two pieces of a nutshell.
4. Some insects do not hide at all. Instead, their wings have bright colours that can be seen from far away.
5. The wings of the monarch butterfly have warning colours of bright orange with black.

Question 2: List the other uses of the wings of insects.

Answer: Apart from flying, the wings of the insects have the following uses:

1. As a hard covering on the insect’s soft body.
2. As a camouflage to hide.
3. Some insects have wings with ‘warning colours’ which warn the birds that the insects are not good to eat.

Question 3: What does the speed of a flying insect depend on?

Answer: The speed of a flying insect depends on the size and speed of its wings. An insect which has small wings and flaps them quickly, flies faster than other insects.

Question 4: How many times can a honeybee flap its wings in one second?

Answer: A honeybee can flap its wings 225 times per second.

Question 5: Write the names of two insects that have hard wings.

Answer: Beetle, ladybug.

Question 6: How do hard wings help insects?

Answer: Hard wings cover the soft body of the insect like two pieces of a nutshell and protect the insect from being eaten by a bird.

Question 7: Why do some insect wings have colours and patterns?

Answer: The colours and patterns on the wings of some insects make the insects hard to be seen. These look similar to the place where the insect rests and it is difficult to make out whether it is an insect or a leaf or a bark. These colours on the wings help insects to hide and protect themselves from animals that might eat them.

Question 8: What is camouflage? How is it helpful to some insects?

Answer: The colouring to blend the appearance with that of the surroundings is called camouflage. It helps the insects protect themselves from other animals as the camouflage makes them look similar to the place they rest upon and it is difficult to make out whether it is an insect or a leaf or a bark.

Question 9: What is the significance of bright colours on the wings of insects?

Answer: The bright colours on the wings of some insects act like ‘warning colours’ which warn the birds that the insects are not good to eat.

So, these were The Things Wings Do Questions & Answers.

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