How Many Greens Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share How Many Greens Questions & Answers.

This poem is written by Chitra Padmanabhan. In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Going To A Hockey Game and Miss Pickerell In Space so, you can check these posts as well.

How Many Greens Questions & Answers

Word Galaxy

  • Tender – soft
  • Flowered – blossomed
  • Numerous – many
  • Majestic – something that looks impressive because of its size or beauty
  • Boughs – the main branches of a tree
  • Showers – short spells of rain
  • Guardians – someone who protects or takes care of another

Question 1: How many types of green does the speaker find in the park?

Answer: The speaker finds three types of green in the park – the light green of the tender grass, the darker green of the older plants and the darkest green of the majestic and strong trees.

Question 2: What kind of green does the speaker want for the walls of their house?

Answer: The speaker wants their wall to have the lightest shade of green, which is the same shade as the green grass in the park.

Question 3: Why are the trees with the darkest green colour called ‘majestic’?

Answer: The trees with the darkest green colour are called majestic because they are tall and beautiful, and the oldest trees in the park.

Question 4: Read the lines and answer the questions:

1. There’s the darker green of the older plants
that have flowered for many years
I would like to have them as friends
For the numerous stories they can tell.

(a) Why are the older plants darker ¡n colour than the tender grass?

Answer: The older plants are a darker shade of green than the grass because they have been there in the park for more years than the grass.

(b) In what ways are the older plants different from the tender little grass?

Answer: The older plants are different from the tender grass as they have been in the park for a longer time and therefore have more stories to tell.

2. They hold up the sky and protect the earth
You see, they are the oldest of them all.
They hold the wind in their boughs
Offer homes to all kinds of birds

(a) What are the three things that the oldest trees do? Why are they able to do these unlike the smaller plants?

Answer: The oldest trees can hold the wind in their boughs, offer homes to all kinds of birds and call the rains for welcome showers. The oldest trees are able to do this because they are taller and stronger than the smaller plants.

(b) What does the speaker mean when they say that the oldest trees ‘hold up the sky’?

Answer: The speaker means that the branches of the oldest trees look so strong and dense that they look like they are supporting the sky above.

Question 5: Fill in the blanks:

1. The poet considers the older plants her friends who would tell her stories.
2. Trees offer homes to all kinds of birds.
3. Trees hold the wind in their boughs.
4. The poet would like the big trees to be her guardians.

So, these were the Questions & Answers.

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