Hi Everyone!! This article will share Lines Composed In a Wood On A Windy Day Questions & Answers.
This poem is written by Anne Brontë. In my previous posts, I have shared the questions & answers of The New House, The Enchanted Pool and Michelangelo so, you can check these posts as well.
Lines Composed In a Wood On A Windy Day Questions & Answers
Word Galaxy
- Aloft – high in the air
- Arousing to – creating an emotion
- Rapture – feeling of extreme pleasure and happiness
- Glancing – (here) shining or gleaming
- Scudding – moving quickly across
- Lashing – hitting
- Billows – waves
Question 1: Choose the correct answer.
(a) The poem is set
i. in a wood
ii. at the seashore
iii. in a market
(b) In this poem, Anne Bronte describes the effect
i. the wind has on her, the Earth and the ocean.
ii. she has on the ocean, the Earth and the wind.
iii. the ocean has on her, the Earth and the wind.
(c) The pattern of the rhyme scheme is
i. abac
ii. abab
iii. abba
Question 2: Read and answer the questions:

(a) What causes the poet to feel joyful?
Answer: The poet is feeling joyful because she is enjoying by the beautiful nature and the wild winds.
(b) What, according to the poet, is carried with the breeze?
Answer: According to the poet, her spirits rise with the breeze. As the breeze soars high into the sky, so does the spirits of the poet.
(c) What does the poet mean by ‘soul is awakened’?
Answer: By ‘soul is awakened’, the poet means that these wild winds have filled her heart and soul with joy and happiness.
Question 3: What sounds are mentioned in the poem?
Answer: The sounds mentioned in the poem include roaring winds, lashing of waves, rustling of leaves, trees swishing and swaying and roar of thunder.
Question 4: Read and answer the questions:

(a) Explain ‘the long withered grass in the sunshine is glancing’.
Answer: ‘The long withered grass in the sunshine is glancing’ means that the long, dried blades of grass are moving so wildly with the wind that they appear to be very happy.
(b) Which season of the year is it? How do you know?
Answer: It is the season of autumn, as the grass is dry and the trees have shed their leaves and the dry leaves have fallen down on the ground, beneath the trees.
(c) Why are the trees ‘tossing their branches’?
Answer: As the trees are bare and have shed their leaves, the wild wind is making them toss their branches.
Lines Composed In a Wood On A Windy Day Questions & Answers
Question 5: Describe the ‘rapture’ of the earth.
Answer: The rapture of the earth includes the withered grass that is shining and swaying with the wind as if woken up from the death. The trees are tossing their branches, the dead leaves are rustling and dancing, the white clouds are hurrying across the skies, the waves in the ocean are lashing and foam is billowing. It is as if suddenly the earth has come alive and is welcoming the change in weather and the wonderful wind.
Question 6: Which words and phrases evoke the turbulence of the ocean?
Answer: The phrases such as ‘lashing waves’ and their ‘wild thunder’, evoke the turbulence of the ocean.
Question 7: Read and answer the questions:

(a) What does the poet want to see?
Answer: The poet wishes to see the mighty waves lashing against one another causing the waves to shower a spray of the ocean. She also wants to see the high waves crashing against the shore.
(b) Why are the waves called proud?
Answer: The waves are called proud because they are mighty, soaring high and have a thunderous force in them.
(c) Give an example of personification from the lines above.
Answer: The poet has personified the waves as ‘proud’.
Question 8: If you had to give an alternative title for the poem, what would it be? Give reasons for your answer.
Answer: In my opinion, the title ‘On the Wings of the Wind’ can be given to the poem. This is because the whole of nature and the poet herself seem to be cheered by the wind.
Question 9: Give examples to show how the poet’s mood is reflected in nature.
Answer: Throughout the poem, the poet describes her mood using various images from the nature. The wild wind represents how she feels because of the advent of the storm and the way the earth and the sea move and sway show her very being is affected by the wind. The shining grass, the swinging bare branches of trees, the dancing leaves on the ground can be interpreted as the representations of the state of mind she is in. the movement of the sea water also shows that the poet is rejoicing.
So, these were Lines Composed In a Wood On A Windy Day Questions & Answers.