The Bishop’s Candlesticks Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share The Bishop’s Candlesticks Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions & answers of The Great Sport, Nyaminyami The Zambezi River God and Where the Mind is without Fear so, you can check these posts as well.

The Bishop’s Candlesticks Questions & Answers

Question 1: Where did the Bishop live and with whom?

Answer: The Bishop lived in a village in France with his sister, Persome.

Question 2: Why was Persome summoned downstairs? What was her reply?

Answer: Persome was summoned downstairs to unlock the cupboard and provide food to the Bishop’s visitor. She was not very interested to do so in the middle of the night.

Question 3: Why was the Bishop fond of his candlesticks?

Answer: The Bishop was fond of his candlesticks because he got them as a gift from his mother when she was on her deathbed. He had promised his mother never to part with them.

Question 4: Who caught the Convict when he first left the Bishop’s house? How?

Answer: The sergeant and three policemen caught the convict when he first left the Bishop’s house. They caught him because they found it suspicious that he was sneaking down the road so late in the night. Moreover, he refused to tell his name and when they tried to arrest him, he resisted.

Question 5: Where did the convict finally go? Why?

Answer: The convict finally went to Paris as according to him, Paris was the big city and no one would know who he was and so, he could start a new life there.

Question 6: What did the Bishop do for the Convict and why?

Answer: The Bishop saved the convict from getting arrested for the second time. He knew that the convict had suffered a lot previously and he wanted to reform him not through the punishment but through sympathy and kindness.

Question 7: Read and answer the questions:

That was in the beginning, when I was still human! I have been living in Hell for ten years now!

(a) Who is the speaker? What hell is he referring to?

Answer: The speaker here is the convict. Hell refers to the prison.

(b) Why was he in this hell?

Answer: He was in this hell because he was imprisoned for stealing food for his dying wife.

(c) How did he describe his time in Hell?

Answer: He suffered a lot in the hell. He said that he was chained up like some wild animal, was beaten up, fed filth and was covered in filth as well. The people in prison took away his name and his soul.

The Bishop’s Candlesticks Questions & Answers

Question 8: Read and answer the questions:

The fault is mine, sister. I led him into temptation.

(a) Who said the above lines? Who is he/she talking about?

Answer: Bishop said the above lines. He is talking about the convict who stole his candlesticks.

(b) What was the temptation?

Answer: The temptation was the thought of stealing the candlesticks.

(c) Why did the speaker feel he/she deserved grief?

Answer: The speaker had been too proud of his possessions so, he felt that he deserved grief.

Question 9: Read and answer the questions:

I had forgotten what it was to be treated like a man!

(a) Who is the speaker! Who treats him like a man?

Answer: The speaker is the convict. The Bishop treated him like a man.

(b) Why did the speaker forget what it was to be treated like a man? What, according to him, does it mean to be treated like one?

Answer: The speaker forgot what it was to be treated like a man because for the past ten years, he was ill treated like a wild animal in prison. By the phrase, to be treated like a man, he meant that showing care and compassion.

(c) Do you think the convict leaves like a changed man? Give reasons for your answer.

Answer: Yes, the convict leaves like a changed man. The Bishop had managed to transform the convict with his sympathy and kindness. So, the convict left the Bishop’s house with a desire to start his lifeafresh in Paris.

Question 10: Why do you think the convict was glad he was caught?

Answer: The Bishop had managed to transform the convict with his sympathy and kindness. If the sergeant had not caught him, he would have gone away easily with the candlesticks and his life of theft and robbery would still continue. The convict was glad that he was caught because he got the chance to transform himself and start his life afresh.

Question 11: Why do you think the convict laughed when he found out he was in a Bishop’s home?

Answer: The convict laughed when he found out he was in a Bishop’s home because after living for ten years in prison, he had forgotten how it felt to be a man and further he had lost faith in the goodness of mankind and the blessings of God. He may have also laughed because he must have thought that the Bishop, being a man of righteousness, would report him to the police and send him back to prison.

Question 12: What do you think the Bishop meant when he said this body is the Temple of the living God?

Answer: By this the Bishop meant that God has created every individual and He (God) resides within every individual. Before doing anything wrong or unethical, we must ask our inner self.

So, these were The Bishop’s Candlesticks Questions & Answers.

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