The Cookie Thief Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share The Cookie Thief Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions & answers of Mike Teavee, Words To A Grandchild and The Butterfly and The Caterpillar so, you can check these posts as well.

The Cookie Thief Questions & Answers

Question 1: Choose the most appropriate option:

1. The woman waiting at the airport

(a) had a lot of time before her flight
(b) was getting late
(c) wanted to watch a film to pass the time.

2. The man sitting beside her

(a) wanted to read her book
(b) started to eat cookies from the packet between them.
(c) wanted to talk to her.

3. The woman thought if she were not so nice,

(a) She would hit the man
(b) She would give the man cookies
(c) She would not buy cookies

4. The woman thought that the man

(a) was too bold and rude
(b) eating her cookies probably he was hungry.
(c) was crazy and had no brains.

Question 2: Why did the lady buy a book and a bag of cookies?

Answer: The lady bought a book and a bag of cookies as her flight was delayed and she wanted to pass her time by reading and eating.

Question 3: Read the lines from the poem and answer the questions.

Grabbed a cookie or two from the bag between,
Which she tried to ignore to avoid a scene.

(a) Where was the cookie bag put?

Answer: The cookie bag was kept in between the woman and the man.

(b) What did the woman try to ignore?

Answer: The woman tried to ignore because she did not want to pick up a fight and make a scene at the airport.

Question 4: Why did the lady assume that the man was eating her cookies?

Answer: The lady assumed that the man was eating her cookies because she was engrossed in reading the book and coincidently, she had also purchased the same sort of cookies from the bakery.

Question 5: Why did the lady considered the man rude?

Answer: The lady considered the man rude because she thought he was so gutsy to eat from her packet without taking her permission.

Question 6: Read the lines from the poem and answer the questions.

‘If mine are here,’ she moaned with despair,
Then the others were his and he tried to share!’

(a) What does ‘mine’ refer to here?

Answer: ‘Mine’ refers to the packet of cookies that the woman found in her bag.

(b) Who does he refer to? What did he try to share?

Answer: ‘He’ refers to the man who was sitting next to the woman at the airport. He tried to share his cookies with her.

The Cookie Thief Questions & Answers

Question 7: What was the woman doing to pass the time?

Answer: The woman was about to read the book and munch some cookies to pass the time at airport.

Question 8: Why did the woman try to ignore the man when he started taking the cookies?

Answer: The woman tried to ignore when he started taking cookies because she did not want to create a scene at the airport.

Question 9: Why was the woman getting angrier by each passing minute?

Answer: The woman was getting angrier by each passing minute because she felt that her cookies were being finished by the man.

Question 10: What did the man do with the last cookie?

Answer: The man broke the last cookie into half and offered her one half.

Question 11: Why do you think the man didn’t object to the lady eating cookies from his packet?

Answer: The man didn’t object to the lady eating cookies from his packet because he was a kind and helpful man. He thought that the woman must be hungry. He believed in sharing the things so, he didn’t forbid the woman to take cookies from his packet.

Question 12: What was the woman’s opinion about the man initially?

Answer: The woman initially thought that the man was bold, rude, inconsiderate and thankless.

Question 13: Why did the woman gasp in surprise when she opened her bag on the flight?

Answer: The woman gasped in surprise when she opened her bag because she found a packet of cookies in it. She thought that the man sitting next to her was eating her cookies. In fact, she was the one who eating his cookies.

The Cookie Thief Questions & Answers

Question 14: Read the lines from the poem and answer the questions.

As the gutsy cookie thief diminished her stock.

(a) Who is ‘the gutsy cookie thief’ referred to here?

Answer: ‘The gutsy cookie thief’ referred to here is the man sitting next to the lady.

(b) What ‘stock’ did the ‘thief’ diminish?

Answer: The thief diminished the stock of cookies.

(c) Who turned out to be the real ‘cookie thief’ in the end?

Answer: The lady herself turned out to be the real ‘cookie thief’ in the end.

Question 15: Read the lines from the poem and answer the questions.

Thinking, ‘If I wasn’t so nice, I would blacken his eye.’

(a) Who does the pronoun ‘I’ refer to here?

Answer: ‘I’ refers to the lady.

(b) What do the words ‘blacken his eye’ mean?

Answer: ‘Blacken his eye’ means that she would have punched or hit him with her hands on his face.

Question 16: Read the lines from the poem and answer the questions.

He offered her half, as he ate the other.

(a) What did the man offer the lady?

Answer: The man offered the lady the other half of the cookie.

(b) How did she react?

Answer: She snatched it from him thinking that it was her own cookie which he was offering.

(c) Why did she react so?

Answer: She did so because she was angry with his behaviour and found him rude and unethical.

Question 17: The woman, who thought she was a very nice person, was not actually friendly with the man. On the contrary, the man behaved in very friendly way with her. Compare and contrast the two people’s character based on how they behaved with each other.

Answer: The man was kind and generous who shared his cookies with her. While woman behaved rudely with the man. Man behaved friendly with her by sharing cookies till the last cookie left, even he broke the last one and shared with her. It shows that he believes in sharing too. He knows that cookies packet was his, even though he was not rude with her.

Question 18: What were your feelings at the end of the poem? Were you also surprised by the ending?

Answer: Yes, I was too surprised by the ending of the poem. In the beginning, we imagined the character of the man as rude, but at the last, the whole image of him changed. I felt sorry for the woman a little, because even if she felt bad for the man, but she never got a chance to apology.

So, these were The Cookie Thief Questions & Answers.

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