Why Evergreen Trees Never Lose Their Leaves Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Why Evergreen Trees Never Lose Their Leaves Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions & answers of A Visit to Kaziranga and The Second Voyage so, you can check these posts as well.

Why Evergreen Trees Never Lose Their Leaves Questions & Answers

Word Galaxy

  • Keep up – move at the same rate as someone or something else
  • Probably – likely to happen
  • Acrons – fruits of the oak tree
  • Puzzled – confused
  • Turned away – refuse
  • Approach – go to someone with a request
  • Drew up – planned or prepared
  • Heartbroken – extreme distress
  • Relieved – remove pain or difficulties

Why Evergreen Trees Never Lose Their Leaves Questions & Answers

Question 1: Why was the little bird left alone in the forest?

Answer: The little bird was left alone in the forest because its wings were broken and so it could not keep up (fly) with other birds to warmer place during winter.

Question 2: How did the bird feel when he was speaking to spruce?

Answer: The bird felt relieved and thankful when he was speaking to the spruce tree.

Question 3: Read the line and answer the questions:

“May I live in your branches to keep warm from North Wind?”

(a) Who said these words and to whom?

Answer: The little bird said this to the willow tree.

(b) Who did the speaker ask for help before going to this tree?

Answer: The little bird had asked the oak tree for help.

(c) What reply did the speaker receive?

Answer: The willow tree refuses to help the little bird. It pretended not to recognize it and told the bird to leave him alone.

Question 4: Why wouldn’t the willow tree help the bird?

Answer: The willow tree would not help the bird because it did not like talking to strangers.

Why Evergreen Trees Never Lose Their Leaves Questions & Answers

Question 5: How did the pine help the bird?

Answer: The pine tree offered to help the bird by protecting him from the icy cold north wind that was blowing in the forest during the winters.

Question 6: Read the line and answer the questions:

“Who knows what you’ll get up to in that time!”

(a) Who were these words spoken to?

Answer: These words were spoken to the little bird.

(b) What was the reaction of the listener?

Answer: The little bird (listener) was puzzled (confused) with the answer. He had no clues (idea) of what to do next.

(c) What do you think about the speaker?

Answer: I think that the oak tree was very self-centered (selfish) and unkind. It could have helped the injured little bird but was more concerned that it would eat up all its acorns and so refused to help him.

Question 7: Why did frost king spare the leaves of the spruce, pine and juniper?

Answer: The frost king spared the leaves of the spruce, pine and juniper because they had been kind to the little bird with the broken wing.

Question 8: According to the story, the unkind trees ‘talked among themselves’. They had their reasons for not letting the little bird stay. Do you think the reason was fair enough?

Answer: No, in my opinion, the reason given by the unkind trees for not helping the helpless bird was not fair at all. If they wanted, they could have helped the bird with food and shelter during winter but acted selfishly and not chose to do so. They were justifying the wrong deeds by talking to themselves.

Question 9: What lesson does the story teach us?

Answer: The story teaches us that we should be kind and show selfless love towards the helpless and needy. It pleases the god too and good deeds come back to us in every way.

Question 10: Choose the correct option:

(a) The little bird could not fly because he………………..

i. didn’t want to go

ii. had broken his wings

iii. was sleepy

(b) The birds were flying South for…………….

i. autumn

ii. spring

iii. winter

(c) The oak did not let the bird stay because he……………

i. did not like strangers

ii. did not want to share his acorns

iii. had other birds to look after

(d) The Frost King punished the…………………….

i. Spruce, pine and juniper

ii. trees in the forest

iii. birch, oak and willow

So, these were Why Evergreen Trees Never Lose Their Leaves Questions & Answers.

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