Oil Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Oil Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions & answers of The Making Of The Earth, The Diverting History Of John Gilpin and At The Theatre so, you can check these posts as well.

Oil Questions & Answers

Word Galaxy

  • Mammal – animal of the type that feeds its young ones on milk
  • Sunburnt – reddening of the skin due to being in the sun too much
  • Scales – thin overlapping plates of hard material covering the skin of many fish
  • Stripped – removed
  • Mineral – any substance got from the earth by mining
  • Arctic – of the regions around the North Pole
  • Yield – produce
  • Nourishing – health-giving
  • Upheavals – sudden violent changes
  • Decayed – decomposed
  • Drill – tool or machine for making holes
  • Shell – hard outer covering of many sea animals such as snails, oysters, etc.

Question 1: What is a whale?

Answer: Whale is a mammal which feed its young ones on its own milk.

Question 2: What are the three main kinds of oil?

Answer: The three main kinds of oil are animal oil, vegetable oil and mineral oil.

Question 3: How do we get oil from the whale?

Answer: When the whale is killed the blubber is stripped off and boiled down. Thus, it produces a great quantity of oil.

Question 4: What is the difference between animal oil and vegetable oil?

Answer: Animal oil is obtained from the animals which is used for medicinal purposes whereas vegetable oil is obtained from the plants. It is used for cooking.

Question 5: What is petroleum?

Answer: Petroleum means mineral oil that forms underground and is obtained from the wells sunk into the ground.

Question 6: How was petroleum formed under the earth?

Answer: Petroleum was formed from tiny dead animal life of the seas. The dead remains decayed on the sea bed until only fatty and oily substances were left. These substances became buried under mud and as time went on the mud was squeezed into a layer of rock, while the oily substances were changed into petroleum.

Question 7: Name two products of petroleum and mention their uses.

Answer: Two products of petroleum are petrol which is used in motor cars and kerosene which is used in oil lamps.

Oil Questions & Answers

Question 8: What is asphalt and what is it used for?

Answer: Asphalt is a black sticky substance which is used for making roads.

Question 9: What is it that stops petroleum from coming to the surface of the earth?

Answer: The upheavals of the earth’s crust stopped petroleum from coming to the surface of the earth.

Question 10: How can we say that oil originated in the sea?

Answer: When we look at the map, we can see that the chief oilfields are found near the sea. Thus, we can say that oil originated in the sea.

Question 11: How can we know that oil exists in a particular place?

Answer: By drilling, we can know that oil exists in a particular place.

Question 12: What is an oilfield?

Answer: Area where oil is found in the ground or under the sea is called an oilfield.

Question 13: What are sedimentary rocks?

Answer: The rocks formed by mud, sand, gravel formed in the sea in which oil is formed is called sedimentary rock. They are formed by deposition of sediments layer by layer.

Question 14: What is crude oil?

Answer: The oil found in natural state is called crude oil.

Oil Questions & Answers

Question 15: Why is it not an easy job to search oilfields?

Answer: It is not an easy job to search oilfields because sometimes it happens that a driller sends his drill more than a mile into the earth and his drill may miss the oil although it is near.

Question 16: What is paraffin? What is its use?

Answer: Paraffin is kerosene which is used as a fuel in heaters and lamps.

Question 17: Describe the work of refineries.

Answer: The crude oil is taken to the refineries where it is heated and separated into various constituents.

Question 18: Describe the work of the driller.

Answer: The driller sends his drill deep inside the earth for digging the wells.

Question 19: Why have no efforts been made to find oil in the north polar regions?

Answer: No efforts have been made to find oil in the North Pole because the costs may be so high that no company will undertake the work.

Question 20: What are the main areas of oil deposits in the world? What is the common thing about all these areas?

Answer: There are four main areas of oil deposits. The first area is that of the Middle East which includes the regions near the Caspian Sea, the Black Sea, the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf. The second is the area between North and South America. The third lies between Asia and Australia which includes the islands of Borneo, Sumatra and Java and the fourth one is around the North Pole.

Question 21: Choose the correct option:

(a) Whales are_________

i. the largest animals now living in the world.
ii. the largest animals that have ever lived in the world.
iii. the largest animals living in the Caspian Sea.
iv. the largest animals living on land.

(b) Vegetable oil________

i. was known to old people only.
ii. was unknown in ancient times.
iii. was known to people long ago.
iv. was known only in olden days.

(c) The term ‘mineral oil’ has been used by the author for______

i. cod liver oil
ii. petrol only
iii. any oil that burns
iv. the oil from which petrol is made

(d) The purpose of lubrication is_______

i. to reduce friction
ii. to cause friction and heat
iii. to produce heat.
iv. to make greases

(e) Scientists think that_________

i. oil was formed from mud on the seabed.
ii. oil was formed from sea water.
iii. oil was formed from sea creatures.
iv. oil was formed from shale.

(f) ‘Where there is shale, there is likely to be oil.’ the author says this in order to show that________

i. shale is a sedimentary rock.
ii. shale is a product of mineral oil.
iii. oil was first formed under the sea.
iv. oil was made from shale.

(g) Three areas of oil deposits are mentioned in a single paragraph, whereas the fourth area is mentioned in a separate paragraph. This is because

i. its oilfields are already exhausted.
ii. the fourth area is very far away from the other areas.
iii. the fourth area has not been developed yet and may never be developed.
iv. the fourth area is a good place to develop atomic power.

So, these were Oil Questions & Answers.

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