Save Water Save The World Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Save Water Save The World Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Evening, The Story Of The Aeroplane and My Family so, you can check these posts as well.

Save Water Save The World Questions & Answers

Question 1: Why did Roshan wake up earlier than usual that morning?

Answer: Roshan woke up earlier than usual because he would meet his friend after the long summer holidays.

Question 2: What problems were the people of Samarpur facing?

Answer: The people of Samarpur were facing the problem of acute shortage of water.

Question 3: Mention any two ways in which Nisha’s family saved water?

Answer: Two ways in which Nisha’s family saved water were:

  • Used a bucket instead of a bathtub for bathing.
  • Watered the plants before 9 a.m. or after 7 p.m.

Question 4: Do you agree that immediate steps are needed to save water?

Answer: Yes, I agree that immediate steps are needed to save water else this precious resource will be lost.

Question 5: Fill in the blanks with suitable words:

1. Roshan met Sadiq at the school gate.
2. Roshan had gone to Samarpur in Rajasthan during the vacation.
3. Some women of Samarpur had to walk for kilometres to fetch water.
4. Sadiq explained that the water level had gone down.

Question 6: Choose the correct option:

1. In order to save water, Nisha’s family members completely stopped using _________ while bathing.

(a) a shower
(b) a bathtub
(c) a bucket
(d)  water

2. People have started __________ in many places to solve the water problem.

(a) wasting water
(b) throwing away water
(c) rain water harvesting
(d) draining water from tanks

Question 7: Why did Roshan visit Samarpur during the summer holidays?

Answer: Roshan visited Samarpur during the summer holidays because his uncle, aunt and cousin lived there.

Question 8: Why were the people of Samarpur unable to use the wells in their village?

Answer: The people of Samarpur were unable to use the wells because some wells had dried up and in some wells the water level had gone down.

Question 9: Mention two simple ways in which Sadiq tried to save water.   

Answer: The simple ways in which Sadiq tried to save water were:

  • Turned off the taps tightly after use.
  • Used a bucket for bathing.

Question 10: What did Sadiq read about in the newspapers that gave him some hope?

Answer: Sadiq read in the newspaper that people had started rainwater harvesting in many places that gave him some hope.

Question 11: Read the line and answer the questions that follow.

“We should water the plants before 9 a.m. or after 7 p.m.”

(a) Who said these words?

Answer: Nisha said these words.

(b) Where were the words spoken?

Answer: The words were spoken in the classroom.

(c) Why did the speaker water the plants at the mentioned time?

Answer: The speaker watered the plants at the mentioned time because using this way, the soil would stay wet for longer.

Question 12: What is one of the biggest dangers that our planet is facing? Suggest two ways in which you would save water.

Answer: The biggest danger that our planet is facing is shortage of water.

Two ways in which I would save water are:

  • Using a bucket instead of bathtub for bathing.
  • Turn of the taps tightly after use.

So, these were the Questions & Answers.

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