The Foolish and The Weak Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share The Foolish and The Weak Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of A Swat Village, Arati Saha and The Court of Justice so, you can check these posts as well.

The Foolish and The Weak Questions & Answers

Question 1: Who was accompanying Meg? What gift did this person have for her?

Answer: Mrs Which was accompanying Meg. She had gifted Meg a clue which is the only weapon that she had and something that IT had not and that is her only weapon.

Question 2: What was strange about the lights in the houses of the city?

Answer: The strange thing about the lights in the houses of the city was when Meg walked down the street, all the lights were extinguished.

Question 3: How had the father resisted IT?

Answer: Father resisted IT by being hiding in the planet of Camazotz to avoid being enslaved by IT.

Question 4: Describe how the building housing IT looked like?

Answer: The building housing IT was the circular building having great bronzed doors. Its walls were glowing with a violet flame and its silvery roof was pulsing with a light.

Question 5: What was Charles Wallace doing when Meg saw him at IT? How is he described?

Answer: Charles Wallace was crouched beside IT. His eyes were slowly twirling, his jaw slack and with a tic in his forehead reiterating the rhythm of IT.

He seemed cold towards his sister and talked to her in an emotionless way.

Question 6: How did Meg save Charles?

Answer: Meg understood that IT could not withstand love and that was what she had that IT did not have. If she could give love to IT perhaps it would shrivel up and die. But she, in all her weakness and foolishness, was incapable of loving IT. However, she could love Charles Wallace and, in her thoughts, she said, “Charles, I love you, come back to me. Charles Wallace, come away from IT”. Then, suddenly, Charles was running, pelting, he was in her arms and was shrieking with sobs. That is how, she saved Charles.

Question 7: Find out words in the text which mean the same as:

a. Diminish gradually – dwindled
b. Reverberate – pulsing
c. Upright – stand up
d. Resist – withstand

Question 8: Read the line and answer the questions:

She looked around she was completely alone.

a. Who is she? Where was she at?

Answer: She is Meg and she was at Camazotz.

b. What had she come here for?

Answer: She came there to save his brother Charles Wallace.

c. What emotion did she experience while standing there?

Answer: While standing there, she was feeling scared and breathless.

Question 9: Read the line and answer the questions:

You have nothing that IT doesn’t have.

a. Who said this to whom?

Answer: Charles Wallace said this to Meg.

b. Why did the speaker say this?

Answer: The speaker said this as he was following the rhythm of IT.

c. Did the listener believe the speaker? What did the listener do immediately after this?

Answer: Yes, the listener believed the speaker for a moment, and she felt that her brain was being captured by IT. But then, immediately she screamed by saying no.

Question 10: Read the line and answer the questions:

Father! Cal! where are we?

a. Who asked this? Who does ‘we’ refer to?

Answer: Meg asked this. ‘We’ referred to Meg, Charles, their father and Calvin.

b. Who answered the question? Where were they?

Answer: Charles answered the question and they were in the twins’ vegetable garden.

c. How did they arrive there? What did they do afterwards?

Answer: They arrived there when Meg defeated IT. She felt a whirl of darkness before her eyes, an icy cold blast past her skin and an angry, resentful howl that seemed to tear through her. Then, she felt earth beneath her and she was rolling over on the sweet-smelling autumnal earth with Charles’ little arms grasped tightly about her neck. That is how they arrived in the twins’ vegetable garden.

Afterwards they all turned towards their house.

So, these were The Foolish and The Weak Questions & Answers.

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