The King and The Fiery Dragon Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share The King and The Fiery Dragon Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of The Selfish Giant and The Giving Tree so, you can check these posts as well.

The King and The Fiery Dragon Questions & Answers

Question 1: At which station did Ramesh get down and whom did he meet there?

Answer: Ramesh got down at Makanbad railway station and he met there with his grandmother.

Question 2: Where was the village fair held? 

Answer: The village fair held in a vast ground near a rocky hillock.

Question 3: Who led the soldiers to the Dragon Mountain?

Answer: The king led the soldiers to the Dragon Mountain.

Question 4: Who used to guard the treasure?

Answer: The dragon used to guard the treasure.

Question 5: Which weapons did the soldiers use to attack the Dragon? 

Answer: The soldiers used arrows, spears and cannon.

Question 6: Why did the Dragon turn ferocious? 

Answer: The dragon turned ferocious because the king and his soldiers attacked the dragon.

Question 7: What happened to the soldiers when they fought the Dragon?

Answer: When the soldiers fought the Dragon, they were soon dead and some rolled down the mountain.

Question 8: What did the Dragon want the King to realize? 

Answer: The dragon wanted the king to realise his sin. It wanted the king to realize that the treasure was not meant to be kept for the pleasure of his family, it was to be used for the welfare of the people.

Question 9: Write True for the correct and False for the incorrect statements.

 1. The King went to the Dragon Mountain all alone – False
 2. The treasure was left unguarded on the mountain – False
3. The Dragon was weak and old – False
4. The Dragon’s eyes were red with anger – True
5. The King lost the battle and realised his mistake – True
6. The King took the treasure from the Dragon for his queen and went to the palace – False
7. The Dragon said that the treasure was meant for the welfare of the people and not for the King or any other member of his family – True

Question 10: Choose the correct option:

1. The King went to the Dragon Mountain with

(a) the queen.
(b) his son.
(c) his daughter.
(d) his soldiers.

2. The Dragon protected the treasure for

(a) himself.
(b) his family.
(c) the King.
(d) the people.

3. People believed that the Dragon turned into a

(a) diamond.
(b) rock.
(c) fossil.
(d) mineral.

Question 11: Mention any three things being sold at the village fair. 

Answer: Three things being sold at the village fair were – clay pots, grains and wooden toys.

Question 12: Describe what happened with the beating of the drums. 

Answer: With the beating of the drums, all the villagers gathered around a huge rock, began to dance and sang folk songs.

Question 13: Who asked the King to get the treasure? 

Answer: The queen asked the King to get the treasure.

Question 14: What was the King told to do in order to get the treasure? 

Answer: The king was told to attack the dragon and the fort in order to get the treasure.

Question 15: How did the Dragon defeat the Kings soldiers?

Answer: Dragon lashed his tail, let out big flame from his mouth and fought bravely to defeat the King’s soldiers.

Question 16: Who would you support – the King or the Dragon and why?

Answer: We would support dragon because it wanted to save the treasure for the good of people.

Question 17: What do you think the King might have decided to do after the battle was over?

Answer: The king might have decided to use the treasure for the welfare of people.

So, these were The King and The Fiery Dragon Questions & Answers.

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