Hi Everyone!! This article will share See It Through Questions & Answers.
Written by Edgar Albert Guest, this poem makes us learn what we should do when we are facing troubles.
In my previous posts, I have shared the questions & answers of The Will, The Prodigal Son and The Trick That Did Not Work so, you can check these posts as well.
See It Through Questions & Answers
Word Galaxy
- Brace – a firm position
- Squarely – directly
- Dodge – to move quickly to one side to avoid something; to avoid doing something
- Vain – useless
- Grim – unpleasant and depressing
- Conquer – to succeed in dealing with or doing something
- Nerve – the courage to do something difficult
- Desert – to leave
- Futile – having no purpose
- In trim – in good condition
- Beset – affected in an unpleasant way
Question 1: Choose the correct option:
(a) The poet says that we must
Answer: brace ourselves and face the troubles bravely
(b) In the poem, “lift your chin and set your shoulders” means
Answer: Preparing to deal with any kind of situation courageously
(c) The “black clouds” refer to
Answer: a troublesome situation
(d) Even when you fail, the poet insists
Answer: you should continue to fight.
Question 2: Whom does the poet want us to ‘meet squarely’?
Answer: The poet wants us to meet our troubles squarely.
Question 3: How does the poet want us to face troubles?
Answer: The poet wants us to meet our troubles face to face by lifting our chins, setting our shoulders, planting our feet and taking a brace.
Question 4: Read and answer the questions:

(a) What does the poet want us to brace up for?
Answer: The poet wants us to brace up for the trouble and difficulties in life.
(b) What can be done when it’s difficult to dodge it?
Answer: When it’s difficult to dodge our troubles, we should do our best to face them head-on even if we fail or conquer them.
Question 5: What does “But don’t let your nerve desert you” mean?
Answer: “But don’t let your nerve desert you” means to not go away from a situation but to face it with courage to do something dangerous or difficult.
Question 6: Why does the poet want us to be in ‘fighting trim’?
Answer: The poet wants us to be in ‘fighting trim’ because if the worst is bound to happen, in spite of all that we do, running away from it will not help us. So, rather we should be prepared for all situations to see us through the tough times.
Question 7: What is meant by the expression “see it through”?
Answer: The expression “see it through” means to never run away from a troublesome situation but to face it. Face your problems and troubles and overcome them without giving up.
Question 8: What is the main message of the poem?
Answer: The main message of the poem is that people have to face lots of problems in life and when problems come, we should face it courageously and should not run away from it.
Question 9: Read and answer the questions:

(a) What have other men met?
Answer: Other men have met the same troubles that we are meeting in life.
(b) If one fails, how does the poet want us to ‘fall’?
Answer: Even if we fail, the poet wants us to keep fighting while we fail.
(c) How does the poet end the poem? Did you find this poem inspirational?
Answer: The poet ends this poem with the message that whatever do, we should hold our heads high till the end and never give up. Yes, I really found this poem inspirational.
So, these were See It Through Questions & Answers.