The Amazing History of Paper Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share The Amazing History of Paper Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Speedy I Need You, The Sick Young Dragon and The Boy Who Drew Cats so, you can check these posts as well.

The Amazing History of Paper Questions & Answers

Question 1: Choose the correct answer:

a. Who was Ts’ai Lun?

i. a Chinese scholar
ii. a French man

b. Which insect did Rene de RĂ©aumur observe?

i. bee
ii. wasp

Question 2: What was Ts’ai Lun often seen grinding? What did he do with the mixture he prepared?

Answer: Ts’ai Lun was often seen grinding a variety of plants, including mulberry bark and hemp. He would make a wet mixture of separate fibres, spread it out on a rough cloth mat, and then put a wooden frame around it.

Question 3: Did people write before paper was invented? How?

Answer: People used to write even before paper was invented. They would scratch and paint on the walls of caves, draw on wet clay, carve on stones, and even write on papyrus.

Question 4: Where did paper-making spread from China?

Answer: After paper-making was invented in China, it spread to other parts of Asia, Africa, Europe, and was soon all over the world.

Question 5: It looked a big mess and his friends and neighbours made fun of his funny ideas.

a. Who are the lines talking about?

Answer: These lines refer to Ts’ai Lun.

b. How do you think he must have felt when the people around him made fun of his work?

Answer: Ts’ai Lun must have felt very dejected when people laughed at his ideas. However, he was determined and that brought him success.

c. Were his ideas really funny?

Answer: His ideas were not funny. They led to the invention of paper, which we use every day today.

Question 6: What secret did RĂ©aumur stumble upon?

Answer: RĂ©aumur stumbled upon the secret of practical paper-making. He realised that wood could be broken down and made into paper.

Question 7: What was Réaumur’s paper recipe? Is it still used?

Answer: Réaumur’s paper recipe was wood fibre + water + energy = paper. This recipe is used to this day.

Question 8: Paper is made from wood and wood comes from trees. What do you think about trees being cut down for paper? Keep in mind that we also need paper.

Answer: Paper is everywhere. Sadly, millions of trees are cut down every year to make paper and the impact of this on the environment is appalling. Therefore, we should try to do our best to reduce our usage of paper and make sure we use every last sheet in our notebooks. We should not throw paper that is not used into the trash. We should also try to use recycled paper as much as we can.

So, these were The Amazing History of Paper Questions & Answers.

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