The White Mouse Circus Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share The White Mouse Circus Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of The Toy-Box, The Poem and A Polar Explorer so, make sure to check these posts as well.

The White Mouse Circus Questions & Answers

Question 1: What reason did the grandmother give for going to Bournemouth?

Answer: The grandmother decided to go to Bournemouth in order to obey her doctor’s orders.

Question 2: How does the boy describe the hotel?

Answer: According to the boy, the hotel was an enormous white building on the sea-front and it looked to me like a pretty boring place to spend a summer holiday in. He also says that the ground floor of the hotel was a maze of public rooms, all of them named in gold letters on the doors.

Question 3: Why did the grandmother given the boy a pair of white mice?

Answer: The grandmother had given the boy a pair of white mice as consolation because Bournemouth was a boring place.

Question 4: What was the first trick the boy taught the mice?

Answer: The first trick the boy taught the white mice was to creep up the sleeve of his jacket and come out by his neck.

Question 5: Why did the hotel manager get angry with the boy and his grandmother?

Answer: The hotel manager was angry with the boy and his grandmother for suggesting that the hotel was full of rats.

Question 6: What made the boy confident that he had found a good place to train his mice?

Answer: The boy was confident that he had found a good place to train his mice because the ballroom was large and empty. The room had been used for a meeting of the members of the RSPCC, and even if these members were to come into the room while he was there, they would be good, kind people.

Question 7: In what ways was the grandmother a clever and thoughtful lady?

Answer: The grandmother outwitted the hotel manager by suggesting that there were rats in the hotel and it might be closed down if this fact was reported to the Public Health Authorities. This way she cleverly managed to get her grandson keep his pet mice, even though it had been forbidden by the hotel manager. She was thoughtful enough to gift her grandson two white mice in a cage before their trip, realizing that Bournemouth was a boring place for a young boy.

Question 8: For each of the following
i. say when the statement was made, to whom it was made, and what it refers to;
ii. say what is meant.

a. ‘It’s a tommyrot.’

The grandmother to the boy when he asks her if it is true that a place like Bournemouth keeps people healthy.
Meaning: It’s utter nonsense!

b. They were terrific fun.

The boy says this about the mice his grandmother has given him.
Meaning: They are lots of fun. Terrific means of a great amount, or intensity.

c. The manger was a bristly man. (What does the word ‘bristly’ mean?)

The boy says this about the manager.
Meaning: Bristly here means a) with thick set hair (bristles), and b) with a temper, ready for a fight.

d. ‘Rats! Cried Mr Stringer, going mauve in the face.

Mr Stringer, the manager, says this to the grandmother when she tells him there are rats in his hotel.
Meaning: Going mauve in the face – getting very angry.

e. ‘May I suggest a compromise, madam?’

The manager says this when the grandmother asks him whether or not they are going to be allowed to keep the white mice in the hotel.
Meaning: The manager is afraid that if the grandmother carries out her threat, there may be more trouble to deal with, so he suggests a simpler solution which will suit both parties.

f. The ground floor of the hotel was a maze of public rooms.

The boy says this when describing the hotel and his discovery of all the different rooms on the ground floor.
Meaning: There were so many rooms, and so many corridors, that the ground floor of the hotel appeared like a maze (a place in which to easily get lost) to the little boy.

Question 9: Read and answer the questions:

‘Rats! cried Mr Stringer, going mauve in his face.

1. Why does Mr Stringer turn mauve? What does this tell us?

Answer: Mr Stringer went mauve in the face as a combination of being shocked and also being embarrassed on behalf of his hotel.

2. Which other colours are used to describe people’s feelings or moods?


  • Fear – white
  • Anger – red
  • Sadness – grey
  • Sickness – pale white
  • Envy – green

So, these were The White Mouse Circus Questions & Answers.

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