Those Three Bears Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Those Three Bears Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Welcome To The Forest, Laughing Song and Abraham Saves The Birds so, you can check these posts as well.

Those Three Bears Questions & Answers

Question 1: Choose the correct option:

1. Most Himalayan villages are located

(a) on mountain tops.
(b) in the valley.
(c) in the plains.

2. During the sunny autumn months, the roofs are

(a) covered with moss.
(b) filled with rain water.
(c) covered with pumpkins left to ripen.

3. In winter, the Himalayan bears come to lower places to

(a) find food.
(b) trouble people.
(c) keep warm.

Question 2: What happened one October night?

Answer: One October night, the writer was awakened by a rumbling and thumping on the roof in a village in the hills.

Question 3: What did the writer and his friend see when they looked out of the window?

Answer: The writer and his friend saw a black bear making off through a field, leaving a trail of half-eaten pumpkins.

Question 4: What advice did the village folk give the writer?

Answer: Village folk advised the writer to run downhill if chased by a bear, as bears find it easier to run uphill than down.

Question 5: What do the Himalayan bears enjoy eating?

Answer: Himalayan bears enjoy eating pumpkins, corn, plums, and apricots.

Question 6: What did the baby bear do when it saw the anthill?

Answer: The baby bear put its nose to the ground and huffed and puffed at an anthill, thinking there might be food inside.

Question 7: What is the quality that all bears seem to share? Illustrate with examples from the story.

Answer: All bears seem to share curiosity. Examples: The bear in the oak tree huffed and puffed at an anthill, thinking there might be food inside and the female bear was distracted by the fluttering of the Tibetan prayer flags.

Question 8: What distracted the female bear’s attention?

Answer: The fluttering of the Tibetan prayer flags distracted the female bear’s attention.

Question 9: How did Prem and his children drive the bear away from the corn fields?

Answer: Prem and his children shouted and banged empty kerosene tins to drive the bear away from the corn fields.

Question 10: Read the line and answer the questions:

1. ‘Sometimes they forage in the fields’

(a) Who are ‘they’?

Answer: ‘They’ refers to the Himalayan bears.

(b) Explain ‘forage’.

Answer: ‘Forage’ means searching for food.

(c) When do they do this?

Answer: They forage in the fields during winter when they come to lower altitudes in search of food.

2. She gave a grunt of disapproval and began to back away, but the fluttering of the flags was a puzzle that he wanted to solve.

(a) Who is ‘she’?

Answer: ‘She’ refers to the female bear.

(b) What did she disapprove of?

Answer: She disapproved of the Tibetan prayer flags.

(c) Who was watching her?

Answer: The writer and Prem were watching her.

(d) How did she solve the puzzle?

Answer: She solved the puzzle by going up to the flags and pulling them down.

Question 11: Why do the homes in the Himalayan valleys have sloping slate roofs?

Answer: Homes in the Himalayan valleys have sloping slate roofs to allow heavy monsoon rain to run off easily and prevent the roofs from being damaged.

Question 12: Describe the writer’s encounter with the baby bear. Who was more scared, the writer or the bear?

Answer: The writer’s encounter with the baby bear was humorous and innocent. Both the writer and the bear seemed startled, but the bear’s curiosity got the better of it. The bear seemed more scared, as it tumbled out of the tree and fled.

Question 13: Why does the writer say “Uphill or downhill, an angry bear is best given a very wide path”?

Answer: The writer says “Uphill or downhill, an angry bear is best given a very wide path” because bears can be dangerous when angry and it is better to avoid encountering them altogether by keeping a safe distance.

Question 14: Humans have encroached upon the bears habitat? Do you agree? What do you think should be done to stop this?

Answer: Yes, humans have encroached upon the bears’ habitat, which can disrupt their natural behaviour and put them in closer proximity to human settlements. To address this, efforts should be made to establish protected areas for wildlife and promote coexistence between humans and bears, including proper waste management and education on avoiding confrontations.

So, these were Those Three Bears Questions & Answers.

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