Zoos Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Zoos Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions & answers of Lake Isle Of Innisfree, The Lady or The Tiger and O Captain My Captain so, you can check these posts as well.

Zoos Questions & Answers

Question 1: In the narrator’s opinion, what two purposes do zoos serve?

Answer: In the narrator’s opinion, there are two purposes that zoos serve. Firstly, a large number of superintendents and keepers are employed; secondly, the people with a low degree of intelligence are busy gaping at the animals on a Sunday afternoon.

Question 2: According to the narrator, what observations does a schoolboy make whilst watching the animals in their cages?

Answer: A schoolboy is able to observe a lion snoring in the cage or a few monkeys fighting over peanuts. More observations are that the stripes of a tiger run in certain way and the hyenas and polecats smell terrible.

Question 3: Why does the narrator dismiss the claims that zoos have any educational or scientific value?

Answer: To gain any educational or scientific value, the animal is best observed in his natural habitat and not in the artificial zoo enclosure or in a laboratory, where the scientist has a close proximity for observation and study; this is bound to misguide the observer.

Question 4: According to the narrator, what role do animals have in scientific discovery? Why can no scientific study be done in zoos?

Answer: It is said that zoos enable learned men to study this or that. But the narrator thinks that the facts blast the theory. No scientific discovery of any value whatsoever, even to the animals themselves, has ever come out of a zoo. The alleged wisdom of the zoo scientist is usually exhibited, not in the groves of actual learning, but in the yellow journals.

Question 5: What are some cruelties and indignities heaped on animals in zoos that the narrator mentions?

Answer: Some cruelties and indignities heaped on animals in zoos are a tiger in a cage, a forest monkey climbing sadly up a baked stump or an eagle chained to its roost, a seal robbed of its Arctic ice, a hippopotamus of its soft wallow, the buffalo of its open range, the lion of its kingship and the birds of their air. The animals are deprived of their natural habitat and environment.

Question 6: Pick out some instances of sarcasm from the text.

Answer: Some instances of sarcasm from the text are:

i. a horde of superintendents employed in the zoo.
ii. the least intelligent minority are busy gaping at.
iii. learned anything valuable or important by watching a mangy lion snoring away in its cage or a family of monkeys fighting for peanuts.
iv. the stripes of a certain sort of tiger run one and the stripes of another sort some other way.

Zoos Questions & Answers

Question 7: Read the lines and answer the questions:

Zoos Questions & Answers

(a) What are they?

Answer: They are the zoos.

(b) What examples of educational values has the speaker mentioned?

Answer: The speaker mentions that the zoos are of no educational value. The value that zoos offer is the same as that of a firemen’s parade or displays of sky-rockets. They truly offer nothing but amusements.

(c) What does public get in return?

Answer: In return, it is the public’s taxes that get wasted for these idle and witless form of amusement.

(d) The narrator gives the few examples of animals to explain the value that a schoolboy gets by watching in a zoo. Explain.

Answer: A schoolboy is able to observe a lion snoring in the cage or a few monkeys fighting over peanuts. More observations are that the stripes of a tiger run in certain way and the hyenas and polecats smell terrible. This is not valuable, important or educational to the schoolboy.

Question 8: Read the lines and answer the questions:


(a) What has the speaker never been able to find out?

Answer: The speaker has never been able to find out how the zoos have contributed towards educational value.

(b) What things are mentioned as examples of idle and witless amusement?

Answer: So many firemen’s parades or displays of sky-rockets are mentioned as examples of idle and witless amusement.

(c) What does the narrator mean by this expression?

Answer: The narrator expresses his disapproval of the public money through taxes being wasted on amusement that is neither intelligent nor of any worth being idle and unintelligent/ stupid amusement.

(d) How is the public money wasted on such things?

Answer: The taxpayers pay hundreds of thousands of dollars a year as tax, part of which includes the maintenance of zoos for giving this ordinary and dull knowledge.

Question 9: Read the lines and answer the questions:

Zoos Questions & Answers

(a) Whose instruction is the speaker referring to?

Answer: The speaker is referring to the futility of a schoolboy learning anything valuable or important by watching animals caged in a zoo.

(b) Describe the spectacle that the speaker mentions in your own words.

Answer: The spectacle that the speaker mentions is of a schoolboy watching a mangy lion snoring away in its cage or a family of monkeys fighting for peanuts.

(c) Why does the speaker think that any useful instruction is impossible?

Answer: The speaker thinks that any useful instruction is impossible from caged animals because for any useful instruction or information, the animals must be free in a state of natural environment and in their natural habitats so that their normal habits and behaviour can be observed.

So, these were Zoos Questions & Answers.

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