Hi Everybody!! Today I am sharing with you 20 Most Useful Websites available on the Internet which will surely help you to increase productivity and learn new things. They all have easy to remember URLs.
20 Most Useful Websites available on the Internet
1. AutoDraw.com

- First on my list of the 20 Most Useful Websites available on the Internet is autodraw.com.
- The most important feature is you can create freehand doodles and transform them beautiful drawings provided by machine learning.
2. CopyChar.cc

- Second on my list of the 20 Most Useful Websites available on the Internet is copychar.cc.
- Copy special characters and emojis that are not there on your keyboard.
3. WeTransfer.com

- You can share big files up to 2 GB.
4. UrbanDictionary.com

- Find definitions of informal words and variety of slangs.
5. Slides.com
- It allows you to create pixel-perfect slide decks and broadcast your presentations to an audience of any size from anywhere.
6. Screenshot.guru
- Furthermore on my list of the 20 Most Useful Websites available on the Internet is Screenshot.guru.
- It gives you the access to take high-resolution screenshots of web pages on mobile and desktops.
7. Dictation.io
- Further on my list of the 20 Most Useful Websites available on the Internet is dictation.io.
- It helps you to take accurate and quick voice recognition in your browser itself.
8. Noisli.com
- Ambient sounds to help you improve focus and boost productivity.
9. Codeacademy.com
- The best place to learn to code
10. Iconfinder.com
- Tenth on my list of 20 Most Useful Websites available on the Internet is Iconfinder.com.
- Find millions of icons for all kinds of projects.
11. Jotti.org
- You can scan any suspicious file or email attachment for viruses.
12. Unsplash.com
- The best place to download images absolutely free.
13. Random.org
- In addition to my list of 20 Most Useful Websites available on the Internet is random.org.
- Select random numbers, flip coins, and more.
14. Calligraphr.com
- Transform your handwriting into a real font.
15. Homestyler.com
- Design from scratch or remodel your home in 3D.
16. Draw.io
- Next on my list of 20 Most Useful Websites available on the Internet is Draw.io.
- Create diagrams, wireframe, and flowcharts in the browser.
17. Grammarly.com
- Check your writing for spelling, style, and grammatical
18. Kleki.com
- Create paintings and sketches with a wide variety of brushes.
19. Downforeveryoneorjustme.com
- Find if your favorite website is offline or not?
20. Faxzero.com
- Last on my list of 20 Most Useful Websites available on the Internet is Faxzero.com.
- Send an online fax for free – see more fax services.