Calabash Kids Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Calabash Kids Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions & answers of The Golden Girl of Gymnastics, Gorilla and Birds At Play so, you can check these posts as well.

Calabash Kids Questions & Answers

Question 1: Why does the narrator call Shindo a lonely woman?

Answer: The narrator called Shindo a lonely woman because Shindo was a widow who lived all alone and had no children.

Question 2: Why was Shindo always tired?

Answer: Shindo was always tired because she used to work all day at home and in her field and she had no time to sleep or rest.

Question 3: How did God answer Shindo’s prayers?

Answer: God sent a shower of seeds which fell into Shindo’s hands. She planted the seeds in her courtyard which soon grew into calabashes. These calabashes magically turned into children.

Question 4: Where did Shindo plant the seeds? What did they grow into?

Answer: Shindo planted the seeds in her courtyard. The seeds grew into calabashes.

Question 5: What happened when Shindo left for work the next day?

Answer: When Shindo left for work the next day, the calabashes magically turned into children.

Question 6: What promise did Shindo make to the children?

Answer: The children made the promise to Shindo that they would never leave her.

Question 7: Read and answer the questions:

Mama, Mama……………………………like a star.

(a) Who said these words?

Answer: The children said these words.

(b) Whom did they address these words to?

Answer: They addressed these words to Shindo.

(c) How will the speakers of these words make their mother shine like a star?

Answer: The children will make their mother shine like a star by making the promise that they will never leave her and by ensuring that she doesn’t have to work hard.

Question 8: Read and answer the questions:

Shindo continued………………………difficult days.

(a) Who said these words?

Answer: The narrator said these words.

(b) Who is the speaker talking about?

Answer: The narrator is talking about Shindo’s helpful nature.

(c) What were the difficult days the speaker refers to?

Answer: The narrator is referring to those days when Shindo was alone and had no one on whom she could depend.
So, these were Calabash Kids Questions & Answers.

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