Inspector Janvi Catches Mr X Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Inspector Janvi Catches Mr X Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Ma Liang and The Magic Paintbrush, Anna’s Diary and Too Busy so, you can check these posts as well.

Inspector Janvi Catches Mr X Questions & Answers

Question 1: Choose the correct option:

1. ____________ is planning to rob a bank.

(a) Mr X
(b) Mala
(c) Manu

2. Mr X was planning to loot the safe by

(a) opening the safe with duplicate keys.
(b) breaking the safe with his tools.
(c) taking the safe away with him.

3. Inspector Janvi spilled oil near the gate of the bank to

(a) clean the gate of the bank.
(b) play a trick on Mala and Manu.
(c) catch the burglars when they slip and fall.

4. Mr X and Miss Zee were not able to run away because

(a) they slipped, fell and hurt themselves.
(b) Inspector Janvi had handcuffed them.
(c) Mala and Manu sprayed coloured water on their face.

Question 2: Put the following sentences in the correct order.


…5…Then Inspector Janvi fires in the air.
…3…Next morning, Inspector Janvi hides the bank.
…2…Inspector Janvi discovers a slip of paper in the park which tells about a burglar’s plan to rob Delhi Bank the next day.
…4…As soon as Mr X and Miss Zee enter the bank, Inspector Janvi spills oil near the gate.
…1…Inspector Janvi hears that Mr X and Miss Zee are in town to rob a bank.
…7…Mala and Manu throw coloured water on the burglars’ faces so they can’t see.
…6…As Mr X and Miss Zee try to rush out of the bank, they slip and fall.

Question 3: Why is Inspector Janvi looking for clues?

Answer: Inspector Janvi is looking for clues for a new mystery.

Question 4: How did Inspector Janvi know of Mr X’s plan to rob Delhi Bank?

Answer: Inspector Janvi knew of Mr X’s plan to rob Delhi Bank from a slip of paper in the park.

Question 5: What do you get to know about Mr X from the story?

Answer: From the story, we get to know that Mr X is a burglar and is not a nice person.

Question 6: How did Mala and Manu help Inspector Janvi catch the criminals?

Answer: Mala and Manu throw coloured water at Mr X and Miss Zee. Miss Zee could not run as she was soaking wet and fell in the puddle of water. Mr X also fell and his eyes got hurt as something went in his eyes so, he also could not run. That is how Mala and Manu help Inspector Janvi catch the criminals.

So, these were the Questions & Answers.

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