The Fog Summary & Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share The Fog Summary & Questions & Answers.

This poem is written by William Henry Davies. In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of A Life On The Ocean Wave, The Day The Viceroy Came and The Footsteps Die Out Forever so, you can check these posts as well.

The Fog Summary & Questions & Answers


It is about a sighted man who finds himself in a fog so thick that he is disoriented and cannot find his way home. He must then depend on a blind man to lead the way.

The narrator’s vision was affected by the fog, it became blurred and he could not see clearly. The images he saw were distorted and made boys and men seem taller than they actually were. The cars stopped as they could not move. The speaker was blinded and could not see as it was pitch dark. A blind man offered to get the man out of the fog. He trusted the blind man and therefore followed him closely like a child following a parent.

The Fog Questions & Answers

Word Galaxy

  • Ken – a person’s range of vision or understanding
  • Halted – not moving
  • Rapped – hit or knocked something quickly, many times

Question 1: How has the speaker described the fog?

Answer: The speaker says that the fog was so thick that it limited his vision. It made him think that boys were tall men and that tall men looked like giants to him.

Question 2: What did the fog do to the speaker’s throat and eyes? What was he unable to do because of it?

Answer: The fog seemed to choke the speaker and make him cough He began to feel confused, his eyes started burning and he was unable to see anything around him. He lost all sense of direction and space.

Question 3: Why did the speaker lose all judgement? In what ways did he misjudge distance and space?

Answer: The speaker lost all judgement because he could see nothing in the thick fog. He misjudged the street lamps and the lights of cars to be stars in the sky.

Question 4: What did the passer-by say to the speaker?

Answer: The passer-by asked the poet to follow him and he offered to show him the way.

Question 5: Where did the passer-by lead the speaker? How did he do so?

Answer: The passer-by led the poet home. He rapped the stones in front of him to discern the way.

Question 6: What was unusual about this passer-by?

Answer: The unusual thing about this passer-by was that he could easily make his way even in the thick fog. The poet later realised that the passer-by was blind.

Question 7: How was the passer-by able to find his way in thick fog?

Answer: The passer-by was able to find his way because he was visually impaired and thus did not depend on his sense of sight to negotiate his way. The fog did not affect auditory and tactile senses which were what guided him every day.

Question 8: Why did the speaker feel lost in the fog but the passer-by could make his way?

Answer: The speaker felt lost in the fog because the fog affected his visual understanding of the world and made him feel confused. On the other hand, the passer-by could make his way through the fog as he was not dependent on his sense of sight. He was used to making his way using his other senses.

Question 9: Do you think the last line is a surprise ending? Give reasons for your answer.

Answer: The last line is a surprise ending because it was not known till then that the passerby was visually impaired. It gives a whole new perspective to the incident related in the poem. The irony of the situation is highlighted when the speaker is led by the visually-impaired person. The last line turned the assumption that the visually-challenged need help to negotiate their way on its head. This also shows that one should not presume things about others and a person who is disabled in one area may have considerable advantage in another.

Question 10: What message do you get from this poem?

Answer: The message that we get from this poem is thatone should not presume things about others and a person who is disabled in one area may have considerable advantage in another. We must respect each other as no one is complete and perfect.

Question 11: Write True or False for the following statements:

1. The man was able to see everything in the fog – False
2. In the fog, his eyes looked like burning lead – True
3. He imagines that the lamps, light and cars are heavenly stars – True
4. The blind man helped him to cross the road – False
5. The poet reached his home safely – True

So, this was The Fog Summary & Questions & Answers.

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