A Man’s Best Friend Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share A Man’s Best Friend Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Ozymandias and Pret In The House so, you can check these posts as well.

A Man’s Best Friend Questions & Answers

Question 1: Write True or False for these statements. Rewrite the false statements correctly.

(a) Dogs are faithful only because they get food from their masters – False

Correct Statement – Dogs are faithful not just because of food but due to their natural loving and caring nature.

(b) Carlo worked in a coal mine – False

Correct Statement – Carlo worked as a brick kiln worker.

(c) Carlo found Fido lying injured in a roadside ditch – True

(d) The name Fido means ‘loving’ – False

Correct Statement – The name Fido means ‘faithful’.

(e) Fido used to follow Carle to the bus stop – True

(f) Carlo did not return because he had moved to another city – False

Correct Statement – Carlo did not return home one evening because he died during the bombardments.

(g) Fido went to the bus stop every day for fourteen years – True

(h) The mayor awarded Fido a gold medal – True

(i) Bob’s master was a railway engine driver – False

Correct Statement – Bob’s master was a railway guard.

(j) Bob was given a bracelet that told everyone to let him go where he wanted – True

Question 2: Why are dogs known as a man’s best friends?

Answer: Dogs are known as man’s best friends due to their loyalty and willingness to protect their masters. They show genuine affection and care for humans.

Question 3: Who was Fido? How did Carlo Soriani save him?

Answer: Fido was a street dog in Florence, Italy, who was found injured in a roadside ditch by Carlo Soriani, a brick kiln worker. Carlo took him home, named him Fido, and nursed him back to health.

Question 4: After recovering from his injury, how did Fido spend his day?

Answer: After recovering from his injury, Fido spent his days following Carlo to the bus stop every workday, eagerly greeting him and following him back home.

Question 5: Why didn’t Carlo return home one evening?

Answer: Carlo did not return home one evening because he died during the bombardments that occurred during the Second World War.

A Man’s Best Friend Questions & Answers

Question 6: What did Fido do then?

Answer: When Carlo didn’t return, Fido continued to go to the bus stop every day for fourteen years, waiting and sniffing the air, hoping to find his beloved master.

Question 7: For what reasons can dogs be classified as being ‘almost human’?

Answer: Dogs can be classified as ‘almost human’ because of their caring nature, loyalty, and ability to show affection not just to their masters but also to other animals.

Question 8: Who was Bob? What did he love to do?

Answer: Bob was an Australian dog who loved trains and used to follow railway workers to work. He was later adopted by a railway guard who allowed him to ride the train every day. Eventually, Bob started to travel on trains alone and became famous for his love of adventure and travel.

Question 9: How was his love for travelling on trains rewarded?

Answer: Bob’s love for travelling on trains was rewarded with a bracelet that had an engraving, allowing him to go wherever he wanted and ride the trains freely.

Question 10: Read the lines and answer the questions:

(a) One night, a brick kiln worker named Carlo Soriani found him lying injured in a roadside ditch. Carlo took him home and nursed him back to health.

(i) What name did Carlo give to the dog?

Answer: Carlo gave the dog the name Fido.

(ii) What became a habit for Fido?

Answer: Following Carlo to the bus stop became a habit for Fido.

(iii) How did he prove his extraordinary loyalty to Carlo?

Answer: Fido proved his extraordinary loyalty to Carlo by going to the bus stop every workday for fourteen years, even after Carlo’s death.

(iv) Which word in the extract means ‘took care of’?

Answer: The word that means ‘took care of’ is ‘nursed’.

(b) Dogs are almost human in the way they care for their masters and other animals. Some dogs even share the human love for adventure and travel. An Australian dog named Bob loved trains so much that he used to follow railway workers to work.

(i) Who adopted Bob as a pet?

Answer: Bob was adopted by a railway guard.

(ii) Why did Bob start travelling alone on trains?

Answer: Bob started traveling alone on trains after his master got a promotion.

(iii) How did he become famous?

Answer: Bob became famous for his love of trains and adventure.

(iv) Which word in the extract means ‘an exciting experience’?

Answer: The word that means ‘an exciting experience’ is ‘adventure’.

Question 11: Which qualities of a dog make it the most endearing pet?

Answer: The most endearing qualities of dogs as pets include their loyalty, affection, caring nature, and their ability to protect and comfort their owners. Dogs are known for forming strong emotional bonds with their human companions.

Question 12: What does the name Fido mean? How was Fido true to his name?

Answer: The name Fido means ‘faithful’, and Fido was true to his name by displaying extraordinary loyalty to Carlo Soriani. Even after Carlo’s death, Fido continued to wait for him at the bus stop for fourteen years, showing unwavering devotion.

Question 13: What recognition did Fido receive for his extraordinary loyalty to his master?

Answer: For his extraordinary loyalty and faithfulness to his master, Fido received recognition in the form of a gold medal awarded by the mayor.

Question 14: Dogs are almost human. How does Bob’s story justify this assertion?

Answer: Bob’s story justifies the assertion that dogs are almost human due to his love for adventure and travel, which mirrors human characteristics. His fame and the bracelet he received also demonstrate the unique and exceptional bond he had with humans, making him a beloved and famous pet.

So, these were A Man’s Best Friend Questions & Answers.

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