Anansi and The Snake Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Anansi and The Snake Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of There’s a Crocodile in Our Pickle Jar, Mama and Big Business, Pret in the House and Hide and Seek so, you can check these posts as well.

Anansi and The Snake Questions & Answers

Question 1: Why did all the animals despise Anansi?

Answer: All the animals despised Anansi because he was a trickster.

Question 2: What did Anansi want to prove to the other animals? Why?

Answer: Anansi wanted to prove that he was the strongest animal in the forest because he wanted to earn the respect of the other animals.

Question 3: Why did Anansi try to be in other animals’ good books? How did he do that?

Answer: Anansi was determined that all the other animals should recognize his greatness so he tried getting into their good books.

He would bring presents to Tiger and play with his children, praise Peacock for his tail feathers or Ox for his horns.

Question 4: Why did he choose snake and not any other animal?

Answer: Anansi chose snake instead of the other animals because all the animals in the forest were afraid of Snake.

Question 5: Why was it important for Anansi to capture snake?

Answer: It was important for Anansi to capture snake because he had already boasted that he would capture snake and become the storyteller of the forest. He would lose face if did not capture snake.

Question 6: What was Anansi’s first attempt to capture the Snake? Was he successful?

Answer: Anansi went deep into the forest where the trees grew tall and long vines hung from their branches. He cut a length of vine and tied one end into a noose. Then, he spread out the noose on the path in front of Snake’s house and put some berries in the middle of it. Then holding on to the other end of the vine, he hid behind a tree and waited.

Soon Snake came, slithering and sliding down the path. He stopped when he saw the berries and put his head right into the noose to eat them. Anansi yanked his end of the vine and Snake reared up as the noose closed on him.

Anansi was pulled out from behind the tree and right across the path into a prickly bush. He let go of the vine and Snake slithered away. So, Anansi was not successful in his first attempt.

Question 7: Snake was a smart animal because he could dodge Anansi twice. Yet he failed. Why?

Answer: Snake fell prey to Anansi’s lie because of his ego. He wanted to prove that he was the longest creature in the forest.

Question 8: Anansi lies, he cheats, yet the animals will have to choose him as their storyteller. Why?

Answer: Anansi had boasted that he would capture the snake. As he was a trickster, he managed to capture the snake smartly so the animals had to choose him as their storyteller.

Question 9: What does this story teach us?

Answer: The story teaches us that one must think before making a commitment because there could be grave consequences.

So, these were Anansi and The Snake Questions & Answers.

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