The Good Bacteria Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share The Good Bacteria Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions & answers of Lucy Gray, Global Warming and The Man in The Tunnel so, you can check these posts as well.

The Good Bacteria Questions & Answers

Question 1: What kind of land, air and water did man get from nature?

Answer: Nature has given man land that was covered with green forests, air that was pure and refreshing and water sources that were clean and sparkling.

Question 2: What has man done with the land, air and water gifted to him by nature?

Answer: Man has polluted land with sewage, garbage and industrial waste. He has polluted the air with toxic fumes and has treated rivers and oceans as dustbins. Millions of tonnes of rubbish are dumped into the rivers and oceans every year, harming marine life.

Question 3: What happens if we drop too much sewage into river and seas?

Answer: If we drop too much sewage into river and seas, their water can no longer dilute it. All the oxygen in the water is used up and the fish begin to die.

Question 4: What are people and government becoming increasingly concerned about?

Answer: People are becoming increasingly aware of the dangers of environmental pollution. In many places, industries are being directed by the governments to stop poisoning the environment.

Question 5: What is the common belief about bacteria? Are all bacteria harmful?

Answer: The common belief about bacteria is that they are harmful and dangerous. However, all bacteria are not harmful. Only a few species are harmful and dangerous.

Question 6: How do bacteria enrich the fertility of the soil?

Answer: Bacteria help in enriching the fertility of the soil by degrading dead plants and bringing valuable nutrients back to earth. They are a necessary part of the cycle by which carbon, nitrogen, sulphur and phosphorus are recycled back into the environment.

Question 7: What do you mean by bioremediation?

Answer: Bioremediation is a process by which the good bacteria are used to digest toxic substances and convert them into less harmful elements.

Question 8: How do toxic substances released by factories harm the environment?

Answer: Toxic substances released by factories pose serious environmental and health risks. They enter soil, air and water and pollute them. They don’t break down easily by natural process.

Question 9: How does the liquid waste from textile factories half the marine life?

Answer: The liquid waste from textile factories filters out the sunlight from the water. As a result, all the plants and animals in the affected rivers don’t get the normal amount of sunlight and die very soon.

Question 10: What have scientists found at the outflow pipe of some textile factories?

Answer: At the outflow pipe of some textile factories, scientists have found a bacterium that eats dye. In order to get the food, it needs, it breaks down the dye into the elements it is made of – nitrogen, carbo, etc.

Question 11: How can the good bacteria be protected from being washed away by the flow of water in rivers?

Answer: The good bacteria are put on plastic balls. These balls are then strung together like beads and kept in a particular part of the river, which becomes a ‘feeding ground’ for the bacteria. That is how good bacteria are protected from being washed away by the flow of water in rivers.

Question 12: What do you think the best way to fight the problem of pollution is?

Answer: The best way to fight the problem of pollution is to be more careful about the pollution we produce and the problems we create for nature.

So, these were The Good Bacteria Questions & Answers.

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